The fifth President of Ukraine (2014-2019) Petro Poroshenko is being charged with treason and the transfer of money to terrorist groups. The former President is accused of importing coal from the territories, which are under control of the pro-Russian seperatist groups (the occupied part of the Donbas region of Ukraine, where there are large cool reserves and mines). However, many ...

United World International is starting a new article series, where international experts evaluate the year 2021 and present their predictions and expectations for the year 2022. Today we present the views of Fernando Esteche, internatipnal relations professore from Argentina. By Fernando Esteche* The 2021 electoral results of different Latin American countries have encouraged superficial analysts to promote inconsistent theories about ...

Turkish-Russian relations have managed to survive a great deal of strain put on by the recent insurrection in Kazakhstan. The plan to put Ankara and Moscow at odds with one another over Central Asia has failed. Both Ankara and Moscow have close ties with Central Asia, especially Kazakhstan. While Turkey establishes these over cultural dynamics -common language and history -, ...

The US-supported insurgency in Kazakhstan and the tensions along the Ukrainian-Russian line were discussed in Turkey’s Ulusal Kanal TV channel’s program “News Center”. Retired Lieutenant-General İsmail Hakkı Pekin, Gaziantep University academic Dr. Ali Fuat Gökçe, Vatan Party’s Deputy Chairman Serdar Üsküplü, visiting Professor at the Moscow State University Dr. Mehmet Perinçek and the journalist Deniz Berktay made important statements on ...

The tensions between the U.S. and Russia over the Ukraine are rising. Western approaches to enlarge the NATO alliance towards eastern Europe are continuing, strongly opposed by Russia. While the Presidents of both countries are holding talks on phone over the crisis, the influential Chinese newspaper Glovbal Times published an editorial. The article reflects the Chinese view on the Ukraine ...

By Daniel Martinez* 1. With the poor of the earth On 26 January 2022 it will be 127 years since José Martí formulated a concept that takes on greater relevance in these complex times of global crisis: “Homeland is Humanity, it is that portion of humanity that we see most closely, and in which we were born”. As sons and ...

A new round of Vienna talks to lift sanctions on Iran began after a five-month hiatus on Monday (November 29). The participants in the talks between Iran and the P4 + 1 group (France, Britain, Russia, China and Germany) discussed the texts in meetings at various levels in the two areas of lifting sanctions and nuclear issues. Following these meetings, ...

Ten years into Syria’s civil war, attempts by the U.S. and Europe and the Middle East to oust Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria have proven futile and Arab countries are gradually restoring relations with Damascus. In the US, neoconservatives like Charles Lister or Nicole Robinson from the Heritage Foundation are warning Joe Biden against “normalizing” relations with Assad. Warning means ...

By Dogan Duyar / Algeria The Atlantic Camp, led by the United States, has been attempting to put a stop to Chinese-African cooperation. Following the Eritrean dispute, the Tigray region is now trying to secede from Ethiopia. Ethiopia is facing its second war of independence, for its national security and economic development. Whilst the United States is provoking Tigrayan separatism ...

It has been reported that the US intelligence warned its European allies that the likelihood of a Russian “invasion” of Ukraine “increases as the winter approaches”. Sources told the CBS News that an “invasion” was prepared for colder weather conditions, but it could still happen within weeks if the West does not show any interference. The largest obstacles are Turkey ...