The US makes an attempt to create an artificial Russian threat for Europe

It has been reported that the US intelligence warned its European allies that the likelihood of a Russian “invasion” of Ukraine “increases as the winter approaches”. Sources told the CBS News that an “invasion” was prepared for colder weather conditions, but it could still happen within weeks if the West does not show any interference.

The largest obstacles are Turkey and Russia

Speaking to United World International, Dr. Mehmet Perincek stated that a so-called “Russian threat”, has been fabricated for the US geopolitical plans. Perincek stated “It is impossible to think that the US propaganda for this conflict is independent from the US geopolitical plans concerning this region. The US strategy focuses on the Black Sea, the Eastern Mediterranean and Syria as a single front. Just as the United States seeks to establish a Kurdistan in Syria, the same plans also apply for the Ukraine. In this context, the United States faces two major obstacles: one is Turkey and the other is Russia. These two countries seem to be the largest obstacles against the American geopolitical plans, because of their military and economic potentials and grand state heritage. The United States is trying to contain Russia through Ukraine, whilst trying to contain Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean through Greece.”

Europe is also being targeted

Perincek stressed that the United States has been spreading the propaganda of a “Russian invasion” in order to provoke the regional countries and to increase its military buildup in Ukraine, while also seeking to take control of European countries by creating fear. Perincek stated “As a matter of fact, these American plans are also targeting European nations and seek directly to use European countries for its own service. The United States has been using NATO to maintain control over its old allies in Europe, especially after the collapse of the USSR. NATO was initially established against the “communist threat”. Thus, after the Soviet Union collapsed, NATO no longer served a purpose, but the United States kept using NATO to maintain its old allies in check. They used NATO only in plans that serve the American interests and to prevent any European nation to rival the US. Therefore, this propaganda is not only aimed at Russia and Turkey, but also aims to drag Europe into the American plans for the region.”

‘Europe will not fall for this fake provocation’

Stating that European interests are in parallel with establishing good relations with Russia, Perincek said “The United States wants to undermine the relations between Europe and Russia by creating a so-called Russian threat over the Ukrainian crisis. The United States specifically targeted the NordStream 2 pipeline project in that regard, because this project brings Russia and European countries closer together in terms of security of energy sources. NordStream 2 is also a project that weakens the American dominance over the region, in terms of energy.”. According to Perincek, both Europe and Russia heavily benefit from the NordStream 2 pipeline, and now this alignment of interests is being undermined by a provocation of an “invasion of Ukraine”.

Stressing that the EU has a distrustful attitude towards Russia on the Ukrainian crisis, Perincek said, “However, we can also say that the EU does not want to go after the United States on this issue. In their statements, the EU members advocate for the Crimean and Ukrainian crises to be resolved through diplomacy and not by conflict, which in fact leads to the maintaining of the status quo. And maintaining the status quo also means that Crimea remains under Russian control.

With these fake tensions being fabricated, Europe is aimed to take an action to break this status quo, that is, any action that would provoke larger scale conflict with Russia. Therefore, we can say that Europe will not fall for these petty efforts and provocations, and will not target Russia in terms of military, in the near future.”