As a result of the midterm elections for US Congress, the Democrats kept the majority in the Senate with a single vote, while the Republicans have won the majority in the House of Representatives. Biden is now expected to face a heavy opposition when issuing any executive order. The Civil War-alike division within the American society is deepening even further. ...
The victory of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, better known as ‘Lula’, in Brazil keeps on fueling hopes, disillusions, debates and questions in Latin America and worldwide. What does it mean for the country’s foreign and domestic politics? How will Lula govern, given he is facing a conservative majority in the parliament? How will Jair Bolsonaro, who already had contested ...
By Doğu Perinçek * In the lead-up to the US congressional raid, the role and position of minorities has been a matter of debate. People of African and Asian descent, the so-called “Hispanics” or “Latinos” and Indians are all referred to as minorities. In the US, there are also religious and sectarian communities and, moreover confrontations: Christians, Muslims, believers in ...
Liz Truss has been Prime Minister only for two months, already causing a lot of discontent from the British public. The main reason for the stir is Liz Truss’ “growth-oriented mini-budget”. Truss has sacked Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng, but there are still dissenting voices within the Conservative Part. The Labour Party is rising in polls, while leading public figures and the ...
Great Britain rose to the status of monetary hegemon in 1871 with widespread adoption of the gold standard. During the gold standard of the late nineteenth century, Britain became the greatest exporter of financial capital. Its capital city, London, also became center of the world gold, money, and financial markets. The end of World War II witnessed the recentralization of ...
While Egypt is witnessing initiatives from the authority to contain the state of discontent in the street caused by economic pressures on citizens, such as the release of groups of people imprisoned for political reasons and those not involved in violent crimes, as well as the start of the national dialogue work called for by President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi last ...
By Fernando Esteche / Buenos Aires * The government of the Frente de Todos in Argentina, which at first promised to be a national and popular restoration against the social and economic ravages of the neoliberal Macrism, ended up being a consolidation of the same model. At first sight what appears is the defrauding of the electoral contract that promised ...
Argentina is facing a serious economic crisis that resembles the situation of lots of countries in the world. Low value of national currency, high inflation and an economy open to capital flight and import flooding. All this is accompanied by a conprehensive agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The people already have started to protest against the conomic situation, ...
As other countries, Argentina is going to economically hard times. The country faces high inflation, the national currency is weak and additional pressures come from long time relations and recent agreements with the IMF. In the last weeks, the people have started protesting the economic situation in demonstrations and on the streets. On the economic situation and the protests, we ...
By Orçun Göktürk The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which was presented by Chinese President Xi Jinping during his trip to Kazakhstan in 2013, was the first target of Brahma Challaney’s “Debt Trap Diplomacy” black propaganda in 2017[1]. Since then, Western countries have adhered to the phrase and begun focusing on the leading BRI in the newly reorganised international system. ...