United World International hosted in a webinar Mr. Khaled Al-Mishri, Chairman of the Libyan High Council of State on December 2nd. Al-Mishri announced his institution would “not recognize” the December 24 elections, if these are made “on the ground of the given electoral” laws, criticized the UN mission in Libya as “not constructive since its beginning”, stated that France is ...

United World International expert Fabrizio Verde has given an interview to the Iranian newspaper Tehran Times, discussing regional issues and the position of imperialism. The original interview can be read here. UWI documents below the interview as published by Tehran Times. The director of the online newspaper l’AntiDiplomatico says that regional models of dialogue are more effective. “I say that ...

By Adem Kılıç* We are gradually leaving behind the era, when the USA and the European Union had created international institutions and organizations as a center of gravity and were able to design the whole world using these structures. Having a great influence in the “military” and “economic” areas over African and Middle Eastern countries, the West has always pursued ...

While globally the COVID pandemic continues and only few countries have developed vaccination and the majority of the humanity is depending on so-called vaccine diplomacy to get access to prevention and cure, Cuba, an island of 11 million facing a fierce US blockade, has succeeded in developing its own vaccination. They are named Soberana 02 and Abdala. And now, Cuba ...

By Chris Matlhako* The presidency of Biden has reversed the ‘normalisation of relations between the US and Cuba’, initiated by Barack Obama. In fact Biden has further tightened the criminal illegal economic and financial blockade against Cuba, beyond of what Donald Trump had put in place. Since the advent of the corona pandemic, the US has intensified its campaign of ...

Late last week the Presidential Council of the Government of National Unity (GNU) of Libya suspended Najla al-Mangoush, the country’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and barred her from travelling. Najwa Wahiba, a spokeswoman for the presidential council, announced this on Saturday. However, the decision was appealed by the Government of National Unity itself. The GNU said that ...

By Awad Abdulsebur Ahmad / Addis Abeba It’s been almost a year now since the armed conflict erupted in the northern part of Ethiopia in the country’s Tigray regional state. Despite a unilateral humanitarian ceasefire declared by the government of Ethiopia months ago with a view to provide humanitarian aid to the people affected by the conflict, the conflict has ...

This Sunday, November 7, 2021, general elections were held in the Republic of Nicaragua to elect president, vice president, 90 deputies of the unicameral National Assembly and 20 legislators of the Central American Parliament (PARLACEN). The Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) reported that more than 4 million Nicaraguans were eligible to vote, for which more than 3,000 voting centers were established ...

The civil war in Ethiopia is increasingly deteriorating. The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) has accelerated its military advance towards the capital of the nearly 120 million-nation beginning of October. The TPLF said that it had made further territorial gains in the Amhara region, taking them closer to the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. A TPLF spokesperson said that they had ...

As United World International previously reported, the Mexican Labor Party has convened to its 25th international congress “Political Parties and a New Society” on 21-23rd of October 2021 in Mexico City. UWI experts Dr. Mehmet Perinçek and Yunus Soner were also invited to the congress with a participation of more than 200 delegates from political parties of Latin America and ...