United World International expert Onur Sinan Guzaltan, has evaluated recent developments such as the referendums to be held in 4 regions (Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhe and Kherson) and the Russian decision of partial mobilization for Sputnik Türkiye. The original text can be read here. “If these regions remain under Ukrainian attack after joining Russia, Moscow will have the right to officially ...

By Maxim Dal Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree on partial mobilization for participation in a special operation in Ukraine from September 21, 2022. He noted that citizens who are in the reserve will be subject to conscription and will undergo additional training. “To protect our homeland, its sovereignty and territorial integrity, to ensure the security of our ...

The Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR), Kherson and Zaporojye regions, taken under control by Russia’s special military operation launched in Donbass on February 24, decided to hold a referendum on joining Russia on September 23-27. According to polls conducted by the public opinion research center INSOMAR, 91 percent of people in the DPR said they wanted to ...

Recently, a website created by the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine (www.sanctions.nazk.gov.ua) revealed that sanctions were demanded upon the international community against Turkish state-owned and private-owned banks operating in Russia, their CEOs and other businesspeople. The website listed of the CEOs of Ziraat Bank, IsBank, Denizbank and Credit Europe Bank, alongside their mug shots and home addresses. The US chooses, Kiev ...

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is preparing its next presidential summit to be held on September 15 and 16 in Samarkand, the capital of Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan is the currently chairing the organization. The summit is prone to both widen the scope of the SCO as well as deepen its areas of cooperation. Let’s start with the first. West Asia joining ...

On September 7, Turkish media reported that Turkish special services conducted a joint special operation to detain one of the leaders of the Daesh terrorist group in eastern Türkiye. Security forces from the Gaziantep Provincial Gendarmerie Command and Gendarmerie Syria Task Force joined the operation, the Sabah newspaper reported Wednesday. The apprehended criminal’s name is Ramo Muhammed al-Hamed. The newspaper ...

“It cannot be ruled out that in a few weeks there will be a nuclear war in Europe…” Head of the Swiss Federal Finance Department Ueli Maurer, August 15 2022 Ukrainian attacks on the Zaporozhe Nuclear Power Plant, currently under the control of the Russian forces, continue to intensify each day. The Ukrainian President Zelensky has announced to the world ...

By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein * Although it is insufficiently known: There are perhaps few social scientists who have theorized as much and as well about war as Vladimir I. Lenin. When studying the First World War, he said that: “the proletariat fights and will always fight unfailingly against war, but without forgetting for a moment that wars can only be ...

By Michael Roberts * The G7 governments have a problem. The war in Ukraine against Russia is not won. It looks set to be a long grinding conflict, possibly with no end.  And yet the world and particularly Europe depends on Russian energy supplies. The G7 has agreed to stop buying Russian oil, as part of its programme of using economics sanctions ...

Within its foreign policy, the United States and the United Kingdom have targeted United World International previously with sanctions. Our website has alredy made an according statement, rejecting the claims of both governments. The Swiss website www.sinistra.ch now has published an article written by its editorial staff that places these sanctions in a broader conflict about Western governments engineering public ...