The rivalry The political crisis in Libya, where tensions between the two rival coalitions have reached their peak, is deepening. On March 22, Fathi Bashagha, the Prime Minister of the so-called Government of National Stability appointed by the House of Representatives in Tobruk, issued a decree preventing any decisions taken by the Tripoli-based Government of National Unity (GNU) led by ...

By Cansu Yiğit With eastern and western Libya now having elected different prime ministers, the potential for the reignition of a regional conflict has increased. However, even within these regions, internal conflicts are rife, all of which have implications in the international arena. When elections could not be held on December 24, a new political crisis erupted in Libya. The ...

By Adem Kılıç* In the wake of the US withdrawing its backing for the EastMed pipeline Project, which was planned chiefly in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, discussions on the larger emerging political reality around the pipeline are sparking up as well. The project, which was intended to transport gas reserves located in the Mediterranean Sea (and in particular reserves ...

Stephanie Williams, the UN’s Special adviser on Libya, visited Cairo, Ankara and Moscow. Earlier, the UN official has held meetings with key internal Libyan players. Now, Ms. Williams seeks to position herself as if she is the one who decides how and in what form the political process in Libya will proceed. So it was her who announced that the ...

Turkish-Russian relations have managed to survive a great deal of strain put on by the recent insurrection in Kazakhstan. The plan to put Ankara and Moscow at odds with one another over Central Asia has failed. Both Ankara and Moscow have close ties with Central Asia, especially Kazakhstan. While Turkey establishes these over cultural dynamics -common language and history -, ...

After the postponement of elections, the political situation in Libya maintains its uncertainty. At the same time, efforts of dialogue between the eastern and western parts of the country, between the High State Council and the House of Representatives are advancing, while Greece declared to struggle against the Turkish-Libyan maritime boundaries delimitation agreement. Meanwhile, the United States keeps on pressuring ...

By Cansu Yiğit The year 2022 began with the ongoing Covid pandemic, refugee crises, and international disputes on the brink of an open conflict. While many international issues which have turned into international crises are still waiting for resolutions, some countries are scheduled to elect leaders who will be expected to find resolutions. 31 countries across five continents are expected ...

United World International has organized a webinar titled “The postponement of elections in Libya and the quest for peace in the Eastern Mediterranean” on December 28. The webinar hosted 2 speakers from Libya and 2 speakers from Turkey. From Libya, Dr. Issa Tuwegiar, former Minister of Planning and currently private consultant in strategic planning, and Dr. Mahmud Ahmed Alftise, former ...

Libya’s elections have been postponed, leading to new uncertainties in the country and the regions. Following its recent webinar on Libya with the participation of the Chairman of Libya’s High Council of State, Khaled al-Mishri, which has received considerable international attention, UWI organizes a new online press meeting. The new webinar titled “Postponement of elections and the quest for peace ...

By Cansu Yiğit “Our plan A is to live and die in Libya. Our plan B is to live and die in Libya. Our plan C is to live and die in Libya.” This was the answer given by Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, 10 years ago, when the Arab Spring was throwing Libya into chaos and preparing the ground for a ...