The Communist Party of China’s convention of a “World Symposium for Marxist political parties” has constituted a historic reunion that is going to shape the 21st century. 28 political parties from 6 continents, all guided by scientific socialism, have presented speeches. All these speeches had a hopeful view on the future in common. There was a complete consensus to construct ...

58 political parties from 48 countries gathered together to “build a new world” The Communist Party of China (CPC) has invited to a “World Symposium for Marxist Political Parties” on May 27th, 2021. 58 different political parties from 48 countries, ranging from Chile to Egypt, Turkey to Nepal attended the symposium, where 70 representatives participated. Leaders of Marxist parties from ...

By Erkin Feyyaz Eşli The United States, France, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have jointly started to create a new zone of instability in Southern Libya. And it is certain that this new center of chaos will not only threaten the North Africa, but also the Eastern Mediterranean and even the entire Middle East. They are preparing new areas ...

Turkey’s Vatan Party has started an Initiative on the New International Order (NINTO) and organized an international symposium. 38 distinguished speakers representing 24 countries from 6 continents parcipated in the symposium, among them various experts of United World International. Participants debated a wide range of issues from the end of the unipolar world to the crisis of neoliberalism, from identity ...

United World International expert Dr. Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the Iranian Tehran Times about claims of the so-called Armenian genocide and the political projects they serve. Below we document the interview, conducted by Mohammad Ali Saki, as printed in the Tehran Times on May 5th, 2021. Subheadings were set by UWI. Tehran – A Turkish historian and political ...

Myanmar has not come to peace since the military took power on February 1st, 2021. Protests in the country continue, partly turning into an armed rebellion with ethnical background, while international actors are divided in their approach to the new established military government. Domestic protests turn into armed rebellion Domestic protests continued in the country against the military take over, ...

By Gökhan Dağtekin Gerhard Schröder’s book is not of significance, because it presents the ideas of an author who was formerly German Chancellor and today has executive duties in Russian gas companies. The books main value lies in the fact that it reflects a growing current in Europe. There is no doubt this current is positive in the point of ...

By Erkin Feyyaz Eşli Chad’s President Idriss Deby has passed away, after being wounded in clashes on the frontline. This may change the balance of power in the Chad and the Sahel Zone profoundly. Idriss Deby had governed Chad for 30 years and had also won the most recent elections. The spokesperson of the Armed Forces of Chad, General Azim ...

Turkey’s Vatan Party has started an Initiative on the New International Order (NINTO) and organized an international symposium. 38 distinguished speakers representing 24 countries from 6 continents parcipated in the symposium, among them various experts of United World International. Participants debated a wide range of issues from the end of the unipolar world to the crisis of neoliberalism, from identity ...

Last week, the Turkish public agenda has been busy with three main topics. First was the US President Joseph Biden’s official pronunciation of the so-called Armenian Genocide and the responses from both inside and outside of Turkey. Second was the beginning of a new phase of the operation Pence-Simsek (Claw-Thunderbolt) and operation Pence-Yildirim (Claw-Lightning) in Northern Iraq. Third was the ...