By Mustafa İlker Yücel The tension in and around the Ukraine is rising. Ukrainian President Zelensky has declared that NATO is the “only path” to end the war in the Donbass region. The Ukrainian Presidency declared that the country has demanded from NATO Secretary General to “increase the NATO presence in the Black Sea”. President Biden had also declared in ...

The current crisis appears to occur between Russia and the Ukraine, but in truth, the conflict happens between the Atlantic and Eurasia. This conflict is connected to the threats Turkey faces in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Atlantic uses Ukraine as a pawn at one theater, and Greece at the other. The politics of the Biden Administration have again demonstrated that ...

Last month, a new step of the Ukrainian administration shook the political arena of Ukraine: the National Security and Defence Council adopted a decision of closing 3 TV channels in Ukraine, which belonged to a deputy of Dmytro Kozak and which were known to have a pro Russian orientation. Those three TV channels, namely 112, News One and ZIK were ...

Vassiliy Anisimov, the Head of the Press Service of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchate, in an interview to the “United World International” accused Fener (Istanbul) Patriarch Bartholomew of dividing the Orthodox world. Two years ago, the frictions between the two important centers of the Orthodox world came to a head: On the one hand, there is the Fener ...

Located in a critical geopolitical place in Eastern Europe, Ukraine has always attracted attention of great powers and very often in history became a battlefield between them. In its history, Ukraine has sometimes benefited from its critical geographical location, but more often, this has been a disadvantage, since neither Russia, nor western countries can afford to ignore such a strategic ...

For two years the Orthodox world has been split over issues related to Ukraine and the recent developments show that this crisis will only further accelerate. The Moscow Patriarchate (which has the biggest Orthodox community in the world; about half of the Orthodox population) has terminated all of its relations with the Istanbul (Fener) Patriarchate (which is considered to be ...

Although the presidential elections in Belarus occurred four months ago, the mass protests of those who don’t recognize the results continue. During the first few weeks following the elections, many people thought that a new “color revolution” (like those, which had happened in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine) would soon occur. However, the president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has to date managed ...

So far, the coronavirus has affected Eurasia far less than Asia, Western Europe and the United States. Yet, countries across the continent have introduced emergency regimes or increased security measures to fight the spread of Covid-19. There are several possible explanations as to why the region has not been affected by a massive pandemic, although each country has its own ...

The subject of the Ukrainian provocation in the Kerch Strait continues to be at the center of the international agenda. Experts from all over the world agree that tensions are intensifying, however, there are different points of view concerning what pushed Ukraine to conduct such a provocation in the first place. Many analysts call the action a political move from ...