It is a big mistake to reduce Russia’s intervention to Ukraine to the category of war. What is going on is much more than a war. Following a long process, it is the moment where the Western advance has been stopped. Moscow’s forward step is irreversibly changing the balance of a world that has been revolving around the West. This ...

Taking part in the Antalya Diplomacy Forum held in Turkey, the President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Ersin Tatar commented on Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement, which had drawn similarities between Russia’s military operations in Ukraine to Turkey’s peace operation in Cyprus in 1974. Tatar said “Lavrov’s mentioning of the TRNC by name has been recorded ...

Russia’s military operations in Ukraine have entered the third week. It doesn’t matter how they’re named – war, special operation or military acts. The fact is that today the Ukrainian and Russian armies are fighting face to face. I have no intention to compare the armies of the two countries, because the Russian army is one of the strongest in ...

Turkey’s security interests demand that the country withdraws from NATO. This is the opinion expressed by United World International expert Yunus Soner in an interview to the Chinese CCTV. UWI presents below the interview as published by CCTV. The original interview can be read here. On March 10, the Russian Foreign Minister and the Ukrainian Foreign Minister held talks in ...

Sergey Markov, General Secretary of the Russian – Turkish Public Forum, Director of the Political Studies in Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University), a former member of the State Duma and a former Press Secretary for Putin, has told Turkish newspaper Aydınlık that the current situation may be an important opportunity for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). ...

The following interview with the Italian Lieutenant General Fabio Mini, General of the Corps of the Italian Army and former Chief of Staff of NATO’s Southern Command, was first published in Italian. Translation and subheadings were provided by United World International. “Negotiate, stop being only focused only on one thought and on propaganda, help Ukraine to coming to her senses ...

“The conflict in Ukraine is a broader one between NATO led by the United States and Eurasia led by Russia. In deciding whose side to take, Turkey should focus on its own national interests – and remember all the NATO coups against it” said United World International expert Yunus Soner in a recent interview to RT International. The interview has ...

Last week, the Turkish public agenda has been moved by only a single topic. The Russian military intervention in Ukraine was debated heavily in the Turkish public, both countries being neighbors and strategic partners of Turkey. Many politicians, diplomats and party leaders have made statements regarding their political evaluation, the stance that Turkey should take, the results of this war ...

US sanctions on Russia are discussed worldwide both in terms of scope and other countries’ participation. Turkey is among those countries that have close economic relations with Russia. United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek spoke to Azerbaijani news outlet on Turkey’s position and expected behaviour concerning sanctions targeting Russia. We present below he interview as published by The ...

In his State of the Union speech on March 1st, the US President Biden has evaluated the Russian invasion of Ukraine as an attempt to “shake the very foundations of the free world.” And as the leader of this “free world”, Biden responded by attempting to exclude the Russian Federation from the whole international system. Sanctions, freezing of assets, closure ...