As the situation in Syria becomes more and more incomprehensible, it becomes critical that we return to simple facts and over-arching explanations; in other words, we must separate the wheat from the chaff. Let us start with the following: Our soldiers were targeted in an attack in the Idlib district of Syria. Although there have been many hopeful statements from ...

The situation in northern Syria has reached a critical point. After a Syrian airstrike killed 33 Turkish soldiers on February 27, Ankara launched large-scale military operations against the Syrian army.  As a result, Turkish relations with Russia have reached their lowest point since the crisis in 2015. At the same time, the situation in Idlib has begun to negatively impact ...

33 Turkish soldiers have been killed as a result of an airstrike in the Syrian province of Idlib, Rahmi Dogan, the governor of the Hatay province, located close to the Turkish border with Syria, said. The governor also said 32 wounded are in the hospitals in the country’s southern province of Hatay and their condition is not life-threatening. Turkish President ...

In order to understand the events in Idlib, it will be useful to briefly summarize the process, up until November 15, 2015. Consensus of the November 15th 2015 On November 15th 2015, Erdogan and Putin held a meeting in Antalya, taking the use of the G-20 summit. The meeting had an important secret agenda. Even Putin at first, did not ...

A country’s foreign policy is a complex synthesis, matured and distilled with the accumulation of experience over many years. Therefore, if an extraordinary change in the global balance of power does not occur, there will likewise be no radical change in a country’s foreign policy. Because Turkey was unable to fully grasp the global paradigm changes of the post-Cold War ...

The US sees the tension between Turkey and Russia in Syria as an opportunity to pull Ankara back into its orbit of influence. It is significant that although the Americans had earlier refused to support Turkey in the fight against PKK terrorists in Syria, they seem to have suddenly remembered their obligations as a NATO ally. US Secretary of State ...

Last week kicked off with bad news from Syrian Idlib. On February 3, one of our convoys was carrying supplies to the Turkish Armed Forces’ observation posts in Idlib when it came under attack, resulting in eight people being martyred. A second attack occurred on February 10, this time leaving five martyrs. Many of those who have been attentive to ...

Tensions between Turkey, Russia and Syria have risen dramatically after the killing of several Russian officers in Syria and the killing of 7 Turkish soldiers and a civilian in Idlib. We talked to experts about the crisis and possible outcomes for the situation in Idlib. Many experts stressed that the crisis between Russia and Turkey is most beneficial for the ...

Turkey and Syria have come over against each other… The relations between Ankara and Moscow are tense. The US-Israel front, which has been hollowing out Turkey since 1952, is watching the events by rubbing its hands together. Despite the efforts, a new and a clean page in the area is not being able to open. The results of the AKP’s ...

A military delegation from Russia will visit Turkey on Saturday to discuss the situation in Syrian Idlib. Relations between Turkey and Russia escalated amid the Syrian Arab Army offensive which left six Turkish troops dead in the Syrian province. The Turkish side responded with a massive strike against the positions of Syrian troops. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made these ...