British Foreign Minister Liz Truss made at an important meeting in London on April 27 the following statement: “NATO must have a global perspective. We need to avert threats in the Indo-Pacific by working with allies like Japan and Australia to ensure the Pacific is protected.” “We need to ensure that democracies like Taiwan can defend themselves,” she added. (1) ...

The conflict within the NATO over Sweden and Finland’s membership is continuing. On May 18, both countries’ ambassadors in Brussels have presented their official letters to NATO, applying for membership. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg received their letters. But Turkey vetoed their membership from day one: The North Atlantic Council gathered on level of permanent representatives to accept the application ...

By Mehmet Kıvanç “The Ukraine conflict has altered all dynamics of the global order and the regional geopolitics. What was impossible yesterday has become possible today. The conflict has born some results that surprised the US too, beginning with India walking away from the American alliance. We are asking ourselves whether India was heading towards the Russian-Chinese side, but now, ...

The possibility of Finland and Sweden’s NATO membership brought the ties between the West and Russia to the point of rupture. Commenting on the subject, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that Turkey did not look favorably on the NATO memberships of Sweden and Finland. United World International expert Onur Sinan Guzaltan evaluated Turkey’s view of NATO’s enlargement on Sputnik ...

By Mehmet Kıvanç While Russia’s “special military operation” is continuing, initiatives to include Sweden and Finland as new members to NATO are gaining importance. While the world is curious about Russia’s reaction to a possible enlargement of NATO, experts agree that a possible NATO enlargement will cause new crises. Retired Rear-Admiral Ali Deniz Kutluk in the Turkish Naval Forces, who ...

By Işıkgün Akfırat and Latif Bolat Matthew Crosston, the Inaugural Director of the National Security and Military Studies Institute at Austin Peay State University from the USA, provided an exclusive interview to United World International about the Russian military operation in Ukraine. Crosston teaches at Fort Campbell, one of the most important installations of the US Army where the famous ...

By Wolfgang Effenberger The events around Bucha remind the last Yugoslav foreign minister, Živadin Jovanović, of William Walker’s indictment of Serbian security forces for the “massacre of civilians” in Racak, Serbia’s Kosovo Province, and Metohija, in January 1999. Racak was the trigger for NATO aggression against Yugoslavia in March of that year. An international forensic team led by Finnish doctor ...

The energy crisis continues in Europe, which is dependent on Russian oil and natural gas. The ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict has sent energy and food prices skyrocketing in Europe. Even if governments slash fuel taxes and allocate funds, it is not enough for those whose livelihoods depend on fuel. The workers and truckers are taking to the streets. The demonstrations at ...

A lot has been written and said about the crisis in Ukraine. The debate has been filled with unnecessary details alongside an overload of disinformation. The reality, however, manages to shine through the mud, simply and forcefully, as it always has been. The USA, now struggling to keep up with its claim of a unipolar world after the collapse of ...

As the struggle over Ukraine between Russia and the United States continues, we turn our attention to some of the most relevant historical factors influencing the current crisis. An extraordinary exigency: crisis in Ukraine It is impossible to explain what is happening in the world solely through the lens of military strategy, sociology or political science. A new multipolar world ...