On July 9, United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the Azerbaijani news outlet qazer.az on the recent developments in the Southern Caucasus. Perinçek commented on the recent elections in Armenia, Turkish-Russian cooperation and regional initiatives to reach lasting peace and stability. Below we document the interview as published by qazet.az. Peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Ankara-Moscow ...

Last week, the public opinion in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. First was the meeting between the Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov. Second was the ongoing debate on sending additional troops for the security of the Kabul International Airport in Afghanistan, as the US and NATO troops withdraw from the region. ...

On Sunday, the Armenian people elected a new parliament. Voter turnout was 49.4% and the Central Election Committee has announced the preliminary results yesterday. According to these, Nikol Pashinian’s governing Civil Contract party has obtained 53.92% of the votes, while the Armenian Alliance led by former President Robert Kocharian came second, receiving 21.1%. United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek commented ...

At a time when the world’s attention is focused on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, forces in the South Caucasus are trying to escalate the situation once again. This time, Western circles are planning to create clashes in the region via Armenia. The terms of the peace agreement signed after the 44-day Karabakh war are not being met: Armenia is reluctant to ...

U.S. President Joe Biden has ‘recognized’ the so-called “Armenian genocide”. But is this really an innocent move solely aimed at “commemorating” the saddening 1915 events, as Secretary Anthony Blinken asserted, or a well-thought-out plan with real geo-strategic considerations? The U.S. official statement’s content indicates that we’re facing the latter. Two main “ideas” are emerging from the statement: Obstructing Turkey’s rightful ...

The geopolitical situation in the world was expected to change after the presidential elections in the United States in November of last year. The victory of the Democratic Party, distinguished by its interventionist foreign policy, and Joe Biden’s entering the White House led to radical changes in Washington’s foreign policy. From the moment he officially took office as the President ...

The 44-day war in the South Caucasus last year is still hotly debated, and it seems that it will on the agenda for many years to come. This is due to the fact that, along with restoring the historical and legal justice, this war also created new realities in the region. The Azerbaijani side won the 44-day war and the ...

The events in the South Caucasus and the recent coup attempt in Armenia cannot be understood in the framework of the past. The process is advancing very fast, and conditions and sides are changing very fast too. A new point of view and new tactics sometimes become necessary from one day to the other. We have examined the developments in ...

How were the US presidential elections results evaluated in Tehran? How will Washington-Tehran relations develop during the Biden administration? What will the six-country platform bring for the region? The Iranian strategist Mohammad Reza Tekavi Fard answered our questions. Fard has said that regional co-operation has achieved tangible success on issues such as the Barzani’s independence referendum and in Astana, adding: ...

The end of the 44-day war in the South Caucasus last fall was expected, because the status quo, frozen since 1994, was not desirable not only for Azerbaijan, but also for countries with a significant share in the world economy. The fact that Azerbaijan and Armenia, located in an important geopolitical and economic geography, have been at war for many ...