On May 3, 2020, Venezuelan Special Forces prevented an invasion by militants from Colombia. Attackers approached from the sea using fast boats. Eight of the attackers were killed, others were detained. At least two US citizens were arrested who turned out to be Silvercorp mercenaries and former US special forces agents Luke Denman and Aaron Barry. #EnVideo ???? | Luke ...

Political changes in Iraq The Iraqi Parliament has given its support to the Cabinet of Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kazemi, thus ending an almost six-month political crisis. Only five candidates remained without a vote of confidence, including the new head of the Foreign Ministry. At the same time, al-Kazemi’s choice has already been approved by the US and Iran, which are ...

The US is trying to provoke countries in South America to take up arms against Venezuela after yet another failed coup attempt. While Secretary of State Pompeo threatens Mexico with sanctions to enforce compliance, he is attempting to milk the friendly government in Brazil for all its worth. As the US’ failed coup attempt starring US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido ...

At a time when the number of Coronavirus cases has exceeded 500,000 worldwide and when all the countries of the world are needing to cooperate against the pandemic, the United States has announced new sanctions on Iran and Venezuela, while extending sanctions against Cuba. The US, meanwhile, has become the new center of the pandemic and now exceeds China and ...

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has openly stated that Washington is working to remove Nicholas Maduro from power. “The purpose of the mission we have together is to make Maduro go away. I met with the president of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, who talked about the terrorist threat to the citizens of his country,” Pompeo said in an interview for ...

Leftists In Retreat Since 2016, forces backed by imperialism in Latin America and the right-wing have enjoyed repeated victories over leftist administrations on the continent. In Venezuela, the Bolivarian government has been under siege by anti-government rioters and the National Assembly, under the leadership of the U.S. backed self-proclaimed president, Juan Guaido. Ecuador’s former left-wing president, Rafael Correa, has been ...

Self-proclaimed Venezuelan president Juan Guaido and his team have been convicted of holding talks with Guyana on the territorial issue of Essequibo. According to the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Bolivarian Republic, the opposition has offered to surrender Venezuelan’s historical claims to the territory of Essequibo. El presidente venezolano @NicolasMaduro anunció que el gobierno se levanta de la mesa de ...

US President Donald Trump has maintained strong economic pressure against Venezuela, having signed numerous decrees blocking the assets of the Venezuelan authorities within US jurisdiction. Giants such as the Central Bank of Venezuela and the state-owned oil company PDVSA were also included in the sanctions list. Now, Washington has announced it will even impose sanctions against foreign citizens supporting or ...

While speaking at a press conference at UN Headquarters, Venezuela’s UN representative Samuel Moncada commented on US authorities’ demand that embassy employees loyal to Nicolas Maduro vacate the premises so that they can be handed over to employees working on behalf of us-backed self-declared interim president of Venezuela Juan Guaido.According to Moncada, the United States rejected the Venezuelan authorities proposal ...

Israel offensive On May 4, the Israel Defense Forces announced an air strike on dozens of targets in the Gaza Strip. The office of the Turkish news agency Anadolu in the Gaza Strip was hit in the course of the offensive. Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu called the incident an example of aggression on the Israeli side, and an act of violence against ...