The Horizon Scan By Kamil Onüçlüler, from London / United Kingdom The “UK foreign policy in a changing world” is the title of the latest Horizon Scanning report published on the 7th of February 2025. Horizon Scanning (HS) can be simply described as a tool of the U.K government to help support strategy development, policy making and operational delivery. The U.K Government use ...

By Tolga Dişçi In the United Kingdom, the debate on the tax cuts proposed by the government continues. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recently stated that social benefits provided by the public sector will be cut to finance tax cuts. British economist Michael Roberts analyzed the debate for us. Will the planned cuts in social benefits and the tax cuts to ...

By Metin Akgerman George Galloway. A veteran British politician. An Anti-imperialist, anti-Monarchist, anti-establishment, anti-Zionist, pro-Republican, pro-Palestinian figure. He is not the new kid in the town. He had spent many decades in the political struggle, often on the Labour Party’s side, and he is still very sharp. And this time, he is also winning. There was a by-election in Rochdale ...

Liz Truss has been Prime Minister only for two months, already causing a lot of discontent from the British public. The main reason for the stir is Liz Truss’ “growth-oriented mini-budget”. Truss has sacked Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng, but there are still dissenting voices within the Conservative Part. The Labour Party is rising in polls, while leading public figures and the ...

Great Britain rose to the status of monetary hegemon in 1871 with widespread adoption of the gold standard. During the gold standard of the late nineteenth century, Britain became the greatest exporter of financial capital. Its capital city, London, also became center of the world gold, money, and financial markets. The end of World War II witnessed the recentralization of ...

By Craig Murray * All Empires end in ignominy. The United Kingdom is drawing to a close, not with a bang but with a fart. A century from now, the dominant historical narrative will be Chinese, and Chinese historians will puzzle over how Boris Johnson fell over a lie about what he knew of sexual harassment by a very junior ...

By Engin Kurtay — What is the purpose of your visit to United Kingdom? — I came to take him out! — Who? — Comrade Julian Assange That moment of perplexity, seeing the face of the port police officer was my biggest pleasure. He looked at my documents again then at me and looked again at my documents (I gave ...

Everyone had known it had to come to this someday. Each change can be an opportunity for something new – but this particular one always causes stormy discussions, conflicts, the carousel of candidates turns faster and faster. The closer to the end of the year – the more Britons live by this one question: who will be the new Doctor ...

Ten years into Syria’s civil war, attempts by the U.S. and Europe and the Middle East to oust Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria have proven futile and Arab countries are gradually restoring relations with Damascus. In the US, neoconservatives like Charles Lister or Nicole Robinson from the Heritage Foundation are warning Joe Biden against “normalizing” relations with Assad. Warning means ...

I was writing an article commenting on the recent Biden – Putin meeting in Geneva, which I consider a first – even if it remains very fragile – victory in the struggle of humanity to confront the terrible threats to its own existence, when I heard the news about the incident between the British and the Russian Navy in the ...