The efforts of the United States to isolate the Russian Federation diplomatically have received a blow from Washington’s southern neighbor Mexico on March 23. Mexico’s Chamber of Deputies established formally a Group of Friendship Mexico – Russia, announced in a ceremony with participation of Russian ambassador Victor Koronelli. The group was established by proposal of the governing Morena (Movement of ...

The US’ pressure on the Asian countries to impose sanctions against Russia did not yield any results. Important Asian economies such as China, India, Pakistan and Turkey opposed the US’ pressure by not participating in sanctions against Russia. On the contrary, Pakistan and India decided to increase their trade with Russia. One of the most discussed issues in the Ukraine ...

By Caner Karavit * It has been quite some time since we started to read news about the reflections of the Russo-Ukrainian War on art. Russian artists are becoming subject to mass deportation in America and Europe, their concerts are being cancelled, and they are forced to resign from their duties. Russian films are censored off from film festivals, while ...

By Shaoyu CEN Strategy analyst based in Shanghai, China Though the diplomats of China have repeated the official stand on Ukraine crisis over and over again, the United States and Ukraine are still trying to push China to join the sanctions on Russia. Mykhailo Podolyak, a close adviser to the President of Ukraine, even posted on twitter and demanded, “the ...

United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek provided an interview to the Iranian Mehr News Agency on the Ukrainian conflict, Western claims of a unipolar world, the emerging racism in Europe. Below we present the interview as published by Mehr news agency. Subtitles were set by UWI. The original interview can be read here. The clashes between Russia and Ukraine that ...

The launch of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine to demilitarize and denazify the Kiev regime has definitively taken to surface open Russophobia in Europe and in the entire West. Russia has been hit by heavy economic sanctions. But for the first time, these sanctions have been widened to include athletes, the media and the world of culture. In this ...

In the recent days, US media has reported on the idea that Turkey could deliver the S-400 air defense systems, which it had obtained from Russia, to Ukraine. United World International expert commented on this idea to the Russia news agency Ria Novosti. UWI presents below the article as published by Ria Novosti. The transfer of Russian S-400 systems by ...

“The BRICS alliance is strategic for Brazil’s national and sovereign development, the coming Lula government wil definitely not support efforts to isolate Russia internationally”, said Walter Sorrentino in interview with United World International. The conflict in Ukraine is continuing, while NATO’s eastward expansion, Russia’s response and US attempts of imposing global sanctions on Moscow are being discussed on nearly every ...

In early spring, we moved from the reality of the Pandemic to the situation of war. And as we know, war is the imperialists’ favourite method of postponing and concealing internal contradictions and crises of capitalism. Nothing fuels the economy as well as the blood of workers. And the Russian-Ukrainian war, the new Iron Curtain and the renewed “Reds Under ...

Contrary to what many believe, the Gulf states are probably the biggest loser of the war in Ukraine. Some observers believe that the sanctions imposed by the West on Russian oil and gases, which cause an energy crisis and a dramatic rise in hydrocarbon prices, could benefit the Gulf states. Sanctions on Russia, the world’s second-largest oil producer and the ...