The photos of the Ukrainian city of Bucha have become the main topic in the global public opinion. The Russian side has rejected all accusations very decidedly and pointed to a Western organized provocation. Russia has called for an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council on the incident. But the other members of the UNSC rejected the call. We ...

Can the waves at the Black Sea calm the waters of the Eastern Mediterranean? In less maritime words: will the conflict in the Ukraine lead to a reset in the long-time troubled Turkish – American bilateral relations? A recent hearing in US House of Representatives may provide some answers. On April 4, the US-Turkish Strategic Dialogue Mechanism has been inaugurated. ...

By Cemil Ozansü, PhD * “The phrase of “Cold War” was invented by George Orwell. Orwell, already in 1945, immediately after the establishment of the new world order, realized that this form of war avoided physical altercation. Indeed, the 1945 order is successful given its intention.” Law is an invention, which aims to regulate the state of conflict, not a ...

After the start of the Ukrainian crisis, the delegations from both sides have met three times in Belarus for negotiations. After that, Ukrainian and Russian foreign ministers met in Antalya on March 10, and another meeting was held in Istanbul on March 29. These meetings between two delegations from Moscow and Kiev in Istanbul, held upon Turkey’s diplomatic efforts, were ...

The United States has been trying to isolate Russia and has accelerated its sanctions regime since the start of the military operation in Ukraine. Washington has also tried to rally the world behind its position, harvesting rejection from several countries. One of those is South Africa, with a population of 60 million one of the leading countries of the African ...

The Russian and Ukrainian delegations met in Istanbul for peace negotiations on March 29. The Ukrainian delegation arrived first at the meeting, the Russian delegation came later. The reunion started after an opening speech of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The President’s working office in the Dolmabahçe Palace served as meeting room. The international press followed the meeting closely. One ...

Delegations from Ukraine and Russia met in Istanbul, Turkey on March 29 and continued talks for a negotiated solution for the crisis. The mediating Turkish government and the press welcomed the meeting and its first results with optimism in terms of a sooner than later peaceful solution to the conflict. Erdoğan: Negotiation process “increased hopes for peace” Turkish President Erdoğan ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey had been busy with three main topics. First, has been Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu’s statements regarding the counter-actions of Russia against the NATO’s containment policy. Second, have been the situation reports on the mediation efforts of Turkey in the Russo-Ukrainian War, pursued by both the Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and Presidential Spokesman ...

While the Ukrainian-Russian delegations are meeting for negotiations in Istanbul, Turkey, United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan provided an interview to Russian news outlet Izvestia. “With Turkish mediation, Moscow and Kyiv will be able to reach an agreement,” he said. Below we present the interview as published by Izvestia, the original can be read here. Turkish political scientist Onur ...

By Ali Riza Tasdelen The French presidential election is only three weeks away. The first round of the elections will be held on April 10th 2022.  If any candidate fails to win an outright majority in the first round, the two candidates with the most votes will compete in the second round on April 24th. To participate in the elections, ...