The possibility of Finland and Sweden’s NATO membership brought the ties between the West and Russia to the point of rupture. Commenting on the subject, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that Turkey did not look favorably on the NATO memberships of Sweden and Finland. United World International expert Onur Sinan Guzaltan evaluated Turkey’s view of NATO’s enlargement on Sputnik ...

From Mariupol, Donetsk People’s Republic We gather around the school in Mariupol. All windows without exception are broken. The rooms inside are fully demolished. The Ukrainian have used the school and its surrounding as defense position. At 09:00 in the morning, humanitarian aid will be distributed. We start talking with Mariupol’s locals. ‘The Azov Battalions have bombarded our house’ The ...

By Golnar Hakimi / Tehran International relations expert Dr. Rahman Ghahramanpour stated that a possible meeting between Putin and Zelensky depends on a possible unilateral declaration of victory from either side, adding “it is unlikely to take place in the near future.” For quite some time, news about the Russian-Ukrainian war has taken the attention of the media all over ...

By Elif İlhamoğlu While the Ukraine crisis continues, Sweden and Finland announced that they will speed up the decision to join NATO. Swedish Social Democratic Party announced that the official decision on whether to join NATO or not will be made on May 15 and according to reporting in Euronews, Finland will hold a meeting on the subject on May ...

I visited Donbass and other operational zones upon invitation from the Russian Ministry of Defence, from April 29th until May 1st. I had the chance to meet with both Russian and the local officials in the cities of Mariupol, Donetsk, Berdiansk, Enerhodar and Melitopol respectively, and had the opportunity to have conversations with ordinary people.  I have learned about many ...

By Işıkgün Akfırat and Latif Bolat Matthew Crosston, the Inaugural Director of the National Security and Military Studies Institute at Austin Peay State University from the USA, provided an exclusive interview to United World International about the Russian military operation in Ukraine. Crosston teaches at Fort Campbell, one of the most important installations of the US Army where the famous ...

The Ukraine crisis activated the political fault lines all over the world. Even though it is far from the conflict area, the Middle East is also affected by the “low-intensity war” between Russia and the USA taking place in Ukraine. The most visible proof of this situation are day-to-day more tense relations between Russia and Israel. This tension between Russia ...

Germany’s positioning in the Ukraine conflict has started to shake the basis of the country’s energy supply and economy. The government reacts with intervening into the market economy, including considering expropriations in a new law. “The security of supply in Germany is currently safeguarded” This is – every day until now – the first sentence in the German Federal Network ...

By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein * When a sculptor comes up with the idea of making a statue of political hypocrisy in international matters, without a doubt the model to use is Norway. The Scandinavian country, on the one hand, hosts negotiations and dialogues in which it supposedly acts as a mediator and annually awards the Nobel Peace Prize. At the ...

United World International expert Fabrizio Verde provided an interview to the Iranian daiy newspaper Tehran Times on the global repercussions of the Ukraine conflict. Below we present to our readers the interview as published on Tehran Times. The director of the online newspaper L’antidiplomatico says that the Ukraine war will change the geopolitical order of the world. “What happens in ...