Türkiye-Sweden relations came to the fore again after PKK members hanged President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s puppet in an anti-Türkiye demonstration held in Stockholm. Russia Today (RT) asked political scientist and United World International author Onur Sinan Guzaltan about Türkiye’s ongoing objections to Sweden and Finland’s NATO membership. Below is the interviews transcription. To watch the entire interview video follow this ...

The public agenda in Turkiye was been relatively calmer for the first days of the New Year, when compared to the previous year. The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has welcomed the new year with his speech on the climate change. The contradictions over the NATO membership of Sweden and Finland has started to deepen between Turkiye and other NATO ...

The former US security advisor John Bolton made a striking comment on Türkiye about a week ago. He said “Unfortunately, this includes Türkiye, whose NATO membership should be in doubt in 2023 if [Turkish] President Recep Tayyip Erdogan – probably through fraud – will be re-elected in the elections scheduled for June.” Political scientist and United World International author Onur ...

United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan evaluated the Türkiye-NATO agreement to Iranian media. Türkiye agreed to lift opposition to Sweden and Finland joining NATO. How do you see such a move? While evaluating this decision from the Turkish government, we should take into account the fact that presidential elections will be held in Türkiye next year, and the current ...

Last week, the public agenda in Türkiye has been busy with three main topics. First was the agreements reached in the NATO Summit in Madrid, and the domestic reactions and oppositions to the negotiations over Türkiye’s veto power for Sweden’s and Finland’s ascension to membership. Second was the visit by the Iranian Foreign Ministry to Türkiye and his discussions with ...

On the NATO summit in Madrid, a trilateral memorandum between Türkiye, Sweden and Finland was agreed upon. The two Scandinavian countries ensure to support Türkiye’s efforts in counterterrorism and lift arms emborgoes against Ankara, while Türkiye in exchange retracts its veto against their NATO membership. United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan commented on the agreement in various interviews, he ...