Last week, the Turkish public has been busy with five main topics. First was the meeting between the EU Council and EU Commission heads, and the Turkish President. Second was the presidential meeting between the leaders of Ukraine and Turkey. Third was the presidential meeting between the leaders of Russia and Turkey. Fourth was the online conference that took place ...

By Mustafa İlker Yücel The tension in and around the Ukraine is rising. Ukrainian President Zelensky has declared that NATO is the “only path” to end the war in the Donbass region. The Ukrainian Presidency declared that the country has demanded from NATO Secretary General to “increase the NATO presence in the Black Sea”. President Biden had also declared in ...

The current crisis appears to occur between Russia and the Ukraine, but in truth, the conflict happens between the Atlantic and Eurasia. This conflict is connected to the threats Turkey faces in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Atlantic uses Ukraine as a pawn at one theater, and Greece at the other. The politics of the Biden Administration have again demonstrated that ...

The Turkish Parliament commemorated the centennial anniversary of the Moscow Treaty, which was signed with the Soviet Union on March 16, 1921. United World International expert Dr. Mehmet Perinçek has made a presentation in the parliament’s commemoration panel on the history of Turkish-Russian relations. Perinçek answered UWI’s questions after the panel. How would you summarize the history of Turkish-Russian relations? ...

A court in Ankara sentenced five people to lifelong prison over the assassination of Russian Ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov. The judgment pointed out that the killing of Karlov was “a provocative action against Turkish-Russian ties.” The court found Salih Yilmaz guilty of “ordering” Mevlut Mert Altintas to kill Karlov, sentencing Yilmaz to two life sentences. Sahin Sogut, deemed a ...

The Foreign Policy Department of the US Think Tank Brookings Institute has published a new report on US-Turkey relations. The report, signed by Nicholas Danforth and published in February 2021, is titled “Between Cooperation and Containment: New U.S. Policies for a new Turkey”. The report can be read here. The reports main finding is as follows: “Put simply, the Turkish ...

For too long, Turkey has ignored or misinterpreted its own interests in the East. Its ignorance has mostly come from a blind engagement in favor of Western liberal democracies. Its misinterpretations, meanwhile, were predominantly created by its total abdication in face of American strategies in the region. Now, however, the situation has changed. Turkey is rediscovering its potential as a ...

The Turkish-Russian Joint Monitoring Center, established within the scope of monitoring the ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh, began work on January 30. End of the Minsk Group era The establishment of the Monitoring Center points to the beginning of a new era in the South Caucasus and the Karabakh issue. This period puts an end to the Minsk Group process, which had ...

The 30-year-old Nagorno-Karabakh conflict had caused no effect on the rest of the world for the past three decades. During this period there have been many wars and conflicts in the world, millions of people have lost their lives, tens of millions of people became refugees and IDPs, and migration patterns have changed drastically. However, the geopolitical traditions and practices ...