In Afghanistan, we have seen unequivocal images: the chaotic withdrawal (more like an escape) of the United States and its Atlantic NATO allies after twenty years of the alleged war on terrorism, stamps a defeat of historic proportions on Washington. In all likelihood, in the future, August 2021 will be remembered as the date that marks the definitive decline of ...

By Yiğit Saner The road to compulsory vaccination The debate over the possibility of an obligatory vaccination against the coronavirus in Italy is becoming increasingly heated. During a press conference on September 2, Prime Minister Mario Draghi was asked whether, once the EMA (European Medicines Agency) and AIFA (Italian Medicine Agency) have given full authorization for the use of vaccines ...

North Africa is a very important area in terms of contemporary geopolitics. The great world powers are competing in the lands between Tangier and the Suez to acquire local influence and positions in the great game in the Mediterranean Sea. In the north of Africa, several conflicts are underway in various fields: from energy to military, to the commercial sphere. ...

The G7 has decided to move towards a new cold war against China. From the demanding clarity on the origins of Covid, to the alleged opposition of Western ‘democracies’ against the authoritarianisms represented in the distorted vision of the liberals from China and Russia, the G7 summit was practically focused on the strategies to be implemented in an attempt to ...

Turkey’s Vatan Party has started an Initiative on the New International Order (NINTO) and organized an international symposium. 38 distinguished speakers representing 24 countries from 6 continents parcipated in the symposium, among them various experts of United World International. Participants debated a wide range of issues from the end of the unipolar world to the crisis of neoliberalism, from identity ...

Russia has decided to respond to the long series of Russophobic provocations, threats and intimidations from the European Union. Brussels, pushed by Washington, has now embarked on an heavy anti-Russian campaign which can be of no interest whatsoever to the European people aspiring to peace and prosperity and nothing else. Instead, Europe is playing war by provoking Moscow. Therefore, Russia ...

United World International is starting a survey on the global Covid-19 situation, consulting its various experts in different countries. UWI expert Fabrizio Verde has commented on the current situation in Italy. How is the Covid-19 situation in Italy currently? Currently the situation appears to be under control. The contagion curve is down and hospitals are starting to empty. The anomaly ...

On his return from his mission in Moscow where he met various Russian leaders including Sergey Lavrov, the High Representative for Foreign Affairs of the European Union, the Spaniard Josep Borrell, found a welcome that was anything but positive. The Iberian diplomat was swamped with criticism because his behavior was not aggressive enough towards Russia. Estonian MEP from the European ...

By Luciano Vasapollo This article was first published in English by UnitedWorld. The italian version was first published by The Italian version can be read here. With the government of the economist Mario Draghi, Italy has definitively entered the phase of complete cession of popular and national sovereignty, continuing the long phase of commissioner control by the strong powers ...

The Mediterranean has become a focal point in the international geopolitical and geo-economic scenario. The Mediterranean Sea is central for international trade. The foreign trade of some of the largest economies in the world (from China to the US, as well as Germany, Italy, and France) with the countries of the southern shore of the Mediterranean has been growing steadily ...