Europeans looking for an alternative What impact did the economic situation have on the election results? The economic situation has had a significant impact on the results of the European elections. Economic hardships, such as the rising cost of living, rising energy prices and financial pressure on sectors such as agriculture, have influenced voter behavior. Many citizens, feeling the weight ...

“The decision to deploy NATO troops, including Italians, in Latvia starting in 2018 is idiocy worthy of Barack Obama’s failed foreign policy. Europe and Italy have no interest in creating a Cold War atmosphere with Russia, and furthermore, this provocation is strategically ineffective in countering a hypothetical conflict situation. Unfortunately, European nations are now governed by small politicians who are ...

Italy under the ‘sovereigntist’ Meloni has followed through on what had already been announced, as well as widely anticipated, and has notified China of its withdrawal from the Silk Road. In this regard, as reported by the media, the Italian government has delivered an official note to China to communicate the intention to exit the agreement. The move was preceded ...

The Italian government has announced to end its participation in the Chinese Belt and Road Project. Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni stated that the agreement had “not produced the expected results”, reiterating that despite leaving the initiative, Italy still could improve its economic relations with China. Italy had joined the Belt and Road in 2019, being the first and so ...

By Yiğit Saner, reporting from Rome, Italy One of the main themes of the G20 summit revolved around the question of how China-Italy relations would unfold following Italy’s decision to withdraw from the “Silk Road” cooperation (Belt and Road Initiative). The Initiative envisaged numerous infrastructure and commercial investments to facilitate trade with Beijing. According to Italian sources, the meeting with ...

In 2019 Italy joined the Belt and Road Initiative, but recent statements from top officials suggest that the agreement might not be renewed again. The Belt and Road Initiative by China, aimed at reviving trade along the historic Silk Road, remains uncertain in Rome. Italy, the only G7 member in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), is contemplating an exit ...

by Yiğit Saner / Rome, Italy When new evidence emerges about a historical topic or when there is a need to reevaluate our existing knowledge, reconsidering – without any ideological influence – what we know about history can become an example of positive and necessary historical revisionism. However, that’s not always the case. Revisionism deals with the issues that go ...

By Yiğit Saner, reporting from Rome / Italy These are the last years of the Cold War. Italy is preparing for a new phase of capitalism in anticipation of a profound political, institutional, social and cultural change determined by many cross factors following the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. The 1992 elections show that a turning point is ...

By Yiğit Saner, reporting from Rome / Italy Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy), the party of Italian premier Giorgia Meloni, and the other coalition forces forming the government, Forza Italia and Lega (League), had put a sort of “presidential system” on the agenda in their 2022 electoral program to solve the problem of instability of the country’s governments and to ...

The strict parameters of the European Union are trapping Italy in a cage with little space for maneuver. It is the only country in the European Union where average wages have fallen over the last 30 years. Since 1990, wages in Italy have stagnated, while in most other advanced countries they have increased significantly. In 2020, due to the impact ...