We can say that what is still wrongly considered the largest party of the Italian left has reached the end of its parabola: From the largest communist party in the western world to a liberal formation of US derivation. In the last primary elections to decide on the new leadership, Elly Schlein was elected as secretary. Schlein managed to get ...

As is customary this time of year in December, the first real cold of the season has arrived in Italy. This is not news, because it is, in fact, a custom. What is different this year are the economic and social conditions: We are living in a country that has not yet recovered from the consequences of Covid and that ...

Which foreign policy will the new Italian government led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni follow? Meloni herself answered this question at the end of October, in the aftermath of Berlusconi’s statements on the situation in Ukraine. “On one thing I have been, am, and will always be clear. I intend to lead a government with a clear and unequivocal foreign ...

The elections in Italy following the fall of the government led by the quisling Mario Draghi lived up to expectations: the center-right coalition won. First party is Fratelli d’Italia, which reaches 26% or 7,302,517 votes. Other parties in the coalition with the Lega get 8.77% and Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia reaches 8.11% of the votes. Even more pronounced was the ...

By Antonio Napolitano Italy is now on the verge of a very important electoral round, as it comes at a crucial stage where Rome, along with the other EU countries, risks sinking into the abyss caused by Western sanctions and embargoes on Russia after Moscow launched a special military operation to demilitarise and denazify the Kiev regime.  Italy, a country ...

This coming 25th of September, Italians will be called to the polls. The government led by Mario Draghi collapsed when the former President of the European Central Bank himself decided to go to President Mattarella to present his ‘irrevocable resignation’, after realising that the majority supporting the government he led, defined as one of national unity, no longer existed. Thus ...

by Yiğit Saner 2021 saw a large increase in immigration waves to Europe due to political / military developments and the aftermath of the pandemic. For months now we have been witnessing the tragic migrant crisis on the border between Belarus and Poland. And from November to today, the situation has not seen much progress and the lives of thousands ...

Italy and France have signed a pact for greater cooperation on various issues, the so-called ‘Trattato del Quirinale’, a name chosen to evoke the Elysée Treaty which, in 1963, brought France and Germany closer together. The bilateral agreement aims to consolidate relations between Paris and Rome, and in the intentions of the leaders, it serves to favor the process of ...

“The visit to Algiers was a great success from every point of view: it took place in a particularly friendly, warm and constructive atmosphere. There is a long friendship between Italy and Algeria that has its roots in history”, said Giovanni Pugliese, Italian ambassador to Algiers, commenting on the recent visit of the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella ...

The G20-2021 is running underneath the Italian presidency.Many institutional encounters and meetings have been and will be held in various levels that will culminate in the Summit in Rome on the 30th and 31st of October. The Italian press is dedicated a lot of attention on the G20 ‘Virtual’ summit on Afghanistan. The mainstream media of the country that was ...