A new round of Vienna talks to lift sanctions on Iran began after a five-month hiatus on Monday (November 29). The participants in the talks between Iran and the P4 + 1 group (France, Britain, Russia, China and Germany) discussed the texts in meetings at various levels in the two areas of lifting sanctions and nuclear issues. Following these meetings, ...

The Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif’s conversation with a journalist was recorded and leaked in the last week. In the conversation, Zarif claims that his Foreign Ministry has no control over Iran’s foreign policy, being dominated by forces like Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the Quds Force. He criticizes especially the legendary Iranian Commander Qasem Soleimani, murdered by a ...

Nuclear negotiations have been among the most critical issues facing Iran since 2003. Given all the ups and downs the issue has had on the political, economic and even social life of the people, the negotiations have become an inevitable part of Iranian everyday life. The issue has been a top priority for 3 presidents and 6 government cabinets so ...

US CENTCOM Commander General Kenneth McKenzie has held a keynote speech on an event of the Middle East Institute on February 8. McKenzie outlined the US military’s view on the Middle East. The full text of the speech can be read here. New competitors in the Middle East: Russia and China The US General implicitly acknowledges a loss of the ...

How were the US presidential elections results evaluated in Tehran? How will Washington-Tehran relations develop during the Biden administration? What will the six-country platform bring for the region? The Iranian strategist Mohammad Reza Tekavi Fard answered our questions. Fard has said that regional co-operation has achieved tangible success on issues such as the Barzani’s independence referendum and in Astana, adding: ...

The Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Istanbul, Javad Maboudifar, has answered our questions on the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution. Maboudifar underlined that the main philosophy of the revolution was achieving the country’s independence. Pointing out that Iran has achieved great successes in spite of the embargos, Maboudifar stated that “Iran and Turkey always be friends ...

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu announced that Tel Aviv, the United States and Arab countries have agreed to work together against Iran. ANKASAM Consultant Kadir Ertaç Çelik stated that Ankara and Tehran are the targets of the plans extending from the Gulf to Africa. US National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien visited Israel on Sunday, meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu. Speaking at ...

The victory of Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden in the US presidential election seems as though it will lead to a change in American policy when it comes to Iran. Numerous experts claim that Joe Biden will return the US to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) (nuclear deal) concluded in 2015. Since Barack Obama’s team made the deal ...

Iranian academician Dr. Yaser Ershadmanesh told us that Iranian academicians “will keep going in an even stronger way,” emphasizing that the Fakhrizadeh assassination will not prevent Iran’s scientific and technological advancement. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, one of the key figures in the Iranian nuclear program, was not only a scientist, but also Iran’s Deputy Defense Minister. Fakhrizadeh, who also served in the ...

The Middle East and North Africa are regions of the world where armed conflicts have continued for the past 20 years. The human tragedies associated with the US war on terror, the rise of Islamic extremism and the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were all reflected in mass culture. Moreover, the bloody recent history of the region – the Arab-Israeli ...