Turkey’s Vatan Party has started an Initiative on the New International Order (NINTO) and organized an international symposium. 38 distinguished speakers representing 24 countries from 6 continents parcipated in the symposium, among them various experts of United World International. Participants debated a wide range of issues from the end of the unipolar world to the crisis of neoliberalism, from identity ...

United World International expert Dr. Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the Iranian Tehran Times about claims of the so-called Armenian genocide and the political projects they serve. Below we document the interview, conducted by Mohammad Ali Saki, as printed in the Tehran Times on May 5th, 2021. Subheadings were set by UWI. Tehran – A Turkish historian and political ...

Turkey and Egypt are in the middle of a historic process. The two countries have the opportunity to change the equation in the region and especially in the Eastern Mediterranean, if the right steps are taken. Turkey has interpreted recent decisions of Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean as a move of goodwill, and Ankara has started calls to Cairo for ...

NATO Defense Ministers will held a summit on the 17th and 18th of February via teleconference. This will be the first NATO summit after the inauguration of the Biden Administration. NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg has announced among others the following points as the agenda: – NATO 2030 Initiative – Increased burden sharing – NATO mission in Afghanistan – NATO mission ...

On March 26, 1979, a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel was signed between President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem began in the presence of US President Jimmy Carter. In contrast to the faint creaking of the pens with which the treaty was signed, the sound of anger in the Arab world resembled cannon fire. These pens opened ...

What are the fundamental differences between Joe Biden’s planned policies and those of Donald Trump; how will this affect the current geopolitical order? Over the last 30 years, American democrats have traditionally pursued a policy of liberal interventionism – interference in the affairs of other states under the pretext of human rights and the protection of democracy. While in the ...

While the normalization agreements were signed between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain, the 3 countries also jointly signed the text called “the Abraham Accords”. Reactions from the countries of the region, especially from the Palestinian administration, are rising against the “normalization” process with Israel. We discussed the impact of the agreements “to normalize relations” signed at the White House on the ...

Political intelligence suggests that the Atlanticists, which has failed to open the doors of West Asia with firepower, is now implementing a new diplomacy-oriented plan. In order to understand the plan with Israel at its center, we need to get a grasp of the process over the last 20 years. DID THE GREATER MIDDLE EAST PROJECT SUCCEED? Just after the ...

Developments are taking place that strongly affect the balance of power and which are increasing tension in the Middle East, one after another. Following the news that the US had accumulated troops in the north of Syria, it was revealed that the US company “Delta Crescent Energy LLC” signed an oil agreement with the PKK’s extension YPG in Syria. Syria, ...

Salih Hudayar, the so-called prime minister of the so-called East Turkistan Exile Government, proposes to make Uyghurs “instruments” in the grand strategy of the United States in his graduate assignment at the University of Oklahoma in 2017. Born in 1993 in Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Province, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China, Salih Hudayar fled to the United States in June ...