In Afghanistan, we have seen unequivocal images: the chaotic withdrawal (more like an escape) of the United States and its Atlantic NATO allies after twenty years of the alleged war on terrorism, stamps a defeat of historic proportions on Washington. In all likelihood, in the future, August 2021 will be remembered as the date that marks the definitive decline of ...

Africa is witnessing several coup d’etats, the rising threat of terror and the decline of US and French imperialism on the one side, rising economic and political activities of new powers such as China, Russia and Turkey on the other. We interviewed Chris Matlhako, 2nd Deputy Secretary General of the South African Communist Party, governing the country in the Tripartite ...

Year after year, France suffers defeat in African regions. While still considering itself the rightful master of the continent, Paris cannot accept the fact of loosing control in various African countries. The methods have changed, but the main objectives – the exploitation of African resources and lands – remain the same. From Cameroon to Senegal, through Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, and ...

By Doğan Duyar, Algeria Pro-France Special Forces have staged a coup in Guinea and took President Alpha Condé, a politician friendly towards Turkey and China, as hostage. In the recent years, Condé had been developing relations with Asian countries, while he was targeted by protest actions of ‘civil disobedience’, supported by the West. After gunshots were heard near the Presidential ...

The US withdrawal from Afghanistan has once again fueled discussion on the decline of the American Empire and the rise of a multipolar world. These discussions include the position of the rising Asian civilization and the economic role of Eurasia and specifically China. United World Expert Fabrizio Verde gave an interview the multipolar world, the economic position of China and ...

By Özgür Altınbaş The United States’ 20-years-long occupation of Afghanistan has ended and American troops had to flee the country in a pitiful way. This situation made another US defeat obvious. The US had planned and attempted a coup in Venezuela using Juan Guaido – unsuccessfully. The US had to withdraw from Libya. The National Assembly of Iraq voted and ...

By Abdul Kerimkhanov The trilateral meeting of the chairmen of the parliaments of Azerbaijan, Pakistan and Turkey, following which the Baku Declaration was signed, had a huge impact on today’s diplomacy. The head of the Institute for Peace Studies and Diplomacy and Chairman of the Pakistan-SCO Friendship Forum, well-known Pakistani political scientist Muhammad Asif Nur said this in an interview ...

By Ali Rıza Taşdelen European forces shared the African continent, which had been exploited by Europe through the slave trade, out with the Berlin Conference in 1884-1885. The Western imperialists who enslaved the African society played the communities against each other, using ethnic differences and causing the greatest massacres in human history. They colonized the countries of the continent, looted ...

Kyiv – Ukraine The Ukrainian government has been attempting to improve relations with China, with whom it had some serious problems only a few months ago. The two governments have signed a cooperation agreement on construction works and this agreement also opens the way for Ukraine to get credit from China. People close to the Ukrainian Government have even praised ...

By Syed Ali Zia Jaffery After a lapse of 20 years, the United States is leaving Afghanistan. Its withdrawal, as evidenced by the evacuation of the Bagram Airfield, is precipitous, unconditional and dissociated from progress towards a political settlement in Afghanistan. This hasty wrap-up has emboldened the Taliban, a group with whom the United States cracked a peace deal in ...