The scene seemed bitter and even blood-soaked, and between the shameful international inability and the timid attempts to put an urgent end to the tragedy of the Palestinians in Gaza, there is nothing on the horizon to put a quick end to this tragedy. The war is still at its peak, although the parties to the tragedy want a quick ...

By Işıkgün Akfırat Israeli police clashed with Palestinians inside Islam’s third-holiest site, Al Aqsa in Jerusalem. As the world once again focuses on Israel’s aggression against Palestine, some worry about further escalation of the conflict. Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) is at the center of the recent developments in Palestine. Hamas Political Bureau Member Dr. Mahir Salah evaluated the situation in ...

By Dr. Basem Naim Head of Department of Politics and Foreign Relations – Gaza, the Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas US President Joe Biden is visiting the region, beginning with a visit to occupied Palestine, where he will meet with the Zionist leadership, and then conclude with a courtesy meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Bethlehem. He will then ...

In recent weeks, the Middle East region has witnessed a number of meetings and summits that have raised eyebrows and questions, against the background of their multiplicity, diversity and the nature of their parties. Meetings and speculations In Sharm El-Sheikh, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed ...

The Middle East is undergoing a new experience of regional diplomatic dynamism. Various meetings have taken place between the Arabic countries with Iran and Turkey. There have been significant negotiations between Iraqi and Syrian officials and other countries. All these regional movements seem to promise the beginning of a new chapter in Middle East regional relations which can lead to ...

Turkey and Egypt are in the middle of a historic process. The two countries have the opportunity to change the equation in the region and especially in the Eastern Mediterranean, if the right steps are taken. Turkey has interpreted recent decisions of Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean as a move of goodwill, and Ankara has started calls to Cairo for ...

US CENTCOM Commander General Kenneth McKenzie has held a keynote speech on an event of the Middle East Institute on February 8. McKenzie outlined the US military’s view on the Middle East. The full text of the speech can be read here. New competitors in the Middle East: Russia and China The US General implicitly acknowledges a loss of the ...

The last legislative elections held in the Palestinian territories in 2006, which ended with the victory of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), had major repercussions. Most notably, a wide Palestinian split offered Israel an opportunity on a gold plate to shun any commitment to continue the peace process negotiations, on the pretext of the absence of a clear Palestinian partner ...

Palestine is going to elections again for the first time after 14 years. President Mahmoud Abbas signed a decree that confirmed parliamentary elections on May 22nd and presidential elections on July 31st. Palestine has perhaps entered one its most critical turning points in history, after more than half a century of a struggle for the Palestinian independence, the toughening Israeli ...