Monopoly capitalism in crisis As the Western capitalist system continues to expose its own ineptitude at leading an effective struggle against the Coronavirus pandemic, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression is sinking its teeth deeper into the global economy. Severe disruptions in global supply chains are the main culprits for the economic woes of most industries, which can ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. First topic was the official statement by ambassadors of the US, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Germany, and France regarding the trial of Osman Kavala, a FETO convict, and President Erdogan’s reactions. Second topic was the prolongation of military deployment to Iraq ...

The Turkish Foreign Ministry has expressed concern about the military coup in Sudan. “We are deeply concerned about the news that there was a coup attempt in Sudan on October 25. We emphasize our strong expectation that all parties in Sudan will abide by the commitments under the Constitutional Declaration and that the transition process will not be interrupted,” a ...

Dozens of European intellectuals and human right experts have conducted an important international conference on the human rights abuses of the USA in Afghanistan. The meeting hosted by the ‘Human Rights in Afghanistan’ organization was held on October 20, 2021 with the participation of journalists and experts from different countries. Different European experts made presentations at the event. Fernando Moragón, ...

The White House has appointed a new Special Advisor for Africa Strategy at the National Security Council. Judd Devermont started the work in early October. He is expected to draw a new Africa strategy for the Biden Administration. Devermont is not new to the White House. After having started in the State Department in 2001, he worked as foreign policy ...

By Cansu Yigit The peace and stability process in Libya led by the United Nations (UN) is going down “a slippery slope” towards the December 24th. The Libyans are the ones likely to pay for a UN failure in Libya, which has been known for the mess it left on its peacekeeping missions all around underdeveloped or unstable countries. Footsteps ...

“After achieving independence, African countries pursued a de-colonization tied to the former metropole, resulting in lack of economic independence and industrialization. But today, multilateralism opens new possibilities to establish a true and own, African trajectory of development”, said Chris Matlhako, Deputy Secretary General of the South African Communist Party. “African development runs in cycles of approximately 60 years. The continent ...

On the southern side of the Mediterranean, Libya keeps on being in a political limbo. General elections are scheduled for December 24, but the Tobruk-based House of Representatives already postponed these for a month. The legislative base of the elections, including the question who will be permitted to candidate for the presidency, cause debate. Western countries headed by the US ...

Elections without rules The political process in Libya is once again poised to fail. On Monday, the country’s parliament (House of Representatives – HoR), sitting in the eastern part of the country, passed a law that postponed parliamentary elections by a month. “The election for members of the House of Representatives will take place 30 days after the presidential vote,” ...

The Soros-funded International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has published the Pandora Papers, claiming to disclose the secret offshore affairs of 35 world leaders, including current and former presidents, prime ministers and heads of state. The publication has sparked a debate. While the Washington-based ICIJ reports on leaders of developing countries in the Pandora Papers, it is noteworthy that no ...