How were the US presidential elections results evaluated in Tehran? How will Washington-Tehran relations develop during the Biden administration? What will the six-country platform bring for the region? The Iranian strategist Mohammad Reza Tekavi Fard answered our questions. Fard has said that regional co-operation has achieved tangible success on issues such as the Barzani’s independence referendum and in Astana, adding: ...

Located in a critical geopolitical place in Eastern Europe, Ukraine has always attracted attention of great powers and very often in history became a battlefield between them. In its history, Ukraine has sometimes benefited from its critical geographical location, but more often, this has been a disadvantage, since neither Russia, nor western countries can afford to ignore such a strategic ...

We all witnessed what has happened in the United States over the past few weeks. The Presidential Election, Biden’s Victory, Trump’s Rebellion, the attack on the Capitol, the second impeachment and finally the presidential inauguration on January 20. In this article we will discuss the emergence of a third political force in the midst of the American oligarchic two-party system ...

Biden’s inauguration and first steps On January 20, the inauguration of the new US President Joe Biden took place in the United States. Despite many Americans questioning the integrity of the election and the legitimacy of Biden’s victory, the ceremony took place and he was sworn in as president. Last week, Biden made his first decisions, largely reversing the actions ...

On January 20, Joe Biden began serving as president of the United States. His foreign policy team is virtually complete, mostly made up of former officials from Barack Obama’s administration with whom Biden has worked in the past. However, Biden’s foreign policy will not be a simple continuation of Obama’s. The international and domestic political situation have changed. The Neocons ...

By Prof. Dr. Mehmet Seyfettin EROL The US is witnessing one of the most fragile periods in its short history. It would not be wrong to say that the country is faced with its third major crisis after the Civil War and the Vietnam War– there is a very thin line between “streets” and “fronts”. Although this determination may seem ...

The highly influential US Think Tank Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has published its Preventive Priorities Survey 2021. The report foresees US intervention against Eurasia both in direct military conflict between Washington and Eurasian countries as well as within inner-Eurasian conflicts. The strengthening Eurasian collective defense and conflict solving mechanisms as well as further deepening Eurasian economic integration becomes vital ...

On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will be inaugurated as President of the United States. Along with him, a new team will come to the White House, mostly composed of officials from Barack Obama’s administration. UWI has already written about the major figures in the future Joe Biden administration: Antony Blinken – the future state secretary, Jake Sullivan – the ...

By Orçun Göktürk Beijing (University of International Business and Economics) US Health Secretary Alex Azar visited Taiwan in August last year. This was the highest diplomatic visit of a member of the US government to Taiwan in 40 years. While everyone expected Beijing to react strongly, more than that happened. Beijing first deployed its warplanes around the island of Taiwan, ...

The incoming Biden Administration has appointed a new CIA Director: William J. Burns. President-elect has reasoned decision saying it was time to “restore independence of the intelligence community”, Burns stating his purpose as “to deliver intelligence without partisanship, strengthening trust and alliance with our allies in around the world”. Being the first appointed career diplomat to the head of the ...