The Ukraine conflict is opening up debates about the current and future nature of the international system. Led by the US, Western countries frequently claim thar Russia’s military operation threatens the global “rules based order”. Hence, they do acknowledge that a profound change is taking place. Others meanwhile claim the rise of a new, multipolar world order. This argument finds ...

For Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, the mission is clear: “Ukraine must win this war. And Putin’s aggression must be a strategic failure”, she said in her speech on the World Economic Forum on May 27. Von der Leyen declares to “stand with” Ukraine – and announces a whole package of aggressive imperialist measures against Russia ...

The Ukraine conflict is opening up debates about the current and future nature of the international system. Led by the US, Western countries frequently claim thar Russia’s military operation threatens the global “rules based order”. Hence, they do acknowledge that a profound change is taking place. Others meanwhile claim the rise of a new, multipolar world order. This argument finds ...

By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein * Although the most visible scenario of the conflict in Ukraine takes place in the military sphere, behind the shadows but also in public, diplomacy plays a fundamental role in the search for a solution to the conflict. Despite the differences and antagonistic positions that sometimes conspire against the possibility of providing a real solution to ...

The Ukraine conflict is opening up debates about the current and future nature of the international system. Led by the US, Western countries frequently claim thar Russia’s military operation threatens the global “rules based order”. Hence, they do acknowledge that a profound change is taking place. Others meanwhile claim the rise of a new, multipolar world order. This argument finds ...

The Ukraine crisis as a watershed moment in history keeps on fueling debates on the future of the international system. Within these debates, UWI expert Perinçek gave an interview to Iranian daily newspaper Tehran Times. UWI presents below the interview as published by the Tehran Times, the original text can be read here. TEHRAN – The Ukraine war proved that ...

Along with the continuing Ukraine crisis, not only the relations between Russia and the West deteriorating. Relations between Turkey and the West suffer the same fate. United World International expert Onur Sinan Guzaltan evaluated the Ukraine crisis, NATO’s enlargement discussions and the future of Turkey-Western relations in an interview with the Italian-based l’Antidiplomatico website. The original text can be read ...

The Ukraine conflict is opening up debates about the current and future nature of the international system. Led by the US, Western countries frequently claim thar Russia’s military operation threatens the global “rules based order”. Hence, they do acknowledge that a profound change is taking place. Others meanwhile claim the rise of a new, multipolar world order. This argument finds ...

The Initiative on a New International Order, short NINTO, has convened on May 7, 2022. The convention took place under the title “The construction of a new world in the context of the Ukrainian operation led by Russia”. NINTO has been established in 2021 on proposal of the International Relations’ Bureau of Turkey’s Vatan Party. The initiative has convened last ...

United World International expert Dr. Mehmet Perincek has been in the conflict area in Ukraine, where Russia’s military operation took place, between April 29th and May 1st, at the invitation of the Russian Defense Ministry. We are continuing the journal series about Perincek’s trip. This article will be followed by the fourth and last part with observations from the conflict ...