We woke up to a new world, on the morning when the Russian operation in Ukraine began. We say “we woke up to a new world”, because this conflict between Russia and Ukraine does not only affect these two countries, but has a worldwide impact. It is clear that the scale of this crisis extends much further beyond the borders ...

June 9th, 2022 Three months after the launching of what amounts to a sui generis world war against Russia (*), two important interventions, asking for de-escalation and some kind of peace with Moscow, came from Henry Kissinger, speaking to the Davos meeting of and from the New York Times. It seems, like Henderlin noticed, that where evil grows, also grows the ...

Last week, there was a heavy diplomatic traffic in Türkiye. The first important visitor to Ankara was the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Another important visit took place in Ankara, during the same period, by the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Also another important development of this week was President Erdogan’s statements on changing the official name of the country to ...

Interview by Şafak Erdem “These are weapons of a crucial kind. No arms company will sell these weapons without the knowledge of the US government and intelligence service. Can these weapons be used against Turkey? Of course. They can use them to hit Turkey’s prestige in the world by damaging the Turkish Armed Forces. They can even add psychological operations ...

The Ukraine conflict is opening up debates about the current and future nature of the international system. Led by the US, Western countries frequently claim thar Russia’s military operation threatens the global “rules based order”. Hence, they do acknowledge that a profound change is taking place. Others meanwhile claim the rise of a new, multipolar world order. This argument finds ...

After Russia’s operation against Ukraine, Ukraine laid mines in the region around Odessa and Mykolaiv ports. The Sea of Azov came under Russian control. Thus, the grain export of Ukraine, most of which are done from these ports (90% of the total), came to a standstill. Ukraine ranks second in the world in grain production after the USA. Ukraine exports ...

In connection with the Ukraine crisis, there is a global food crisis. Ships loaded with grain cannot leave Ukrainian ports due to mines reported to have been laid by Ukraine. Moscow-based newspaper Izvestia announced that Turkey and Russia had agreed on a joint plan to end the food crisis. According to the plan, which is said to cover only the ...

It is predicted at the moment that the Russia-Ukraine hostilities will not end anytime soon. An agreement could have already been reached, especially after the talks in Istanbul, but there are those who are working to prolong the war as long as possible. We are talking in particular about the United States, the United Kingdom and the NATO circles headed ...

Turkey is once again in the center of different corridors: one currently in debate is to be opened from Odessa to the world, in order to export stored wheat. The other runs along the north of Syria, where Turkey has already pursued three different military operations to establish a safe zone against what it calls the “corridor of terror” by ...

The Ukraine crisis was the main item on the European Council’s meeting 30-31st of May, which concluded with some decisions and more debates. Among the agreed measures are: – A sixth package of sanctions against Russia will cover crude oil, as well as petroleum products, delivered from Russia into Member States, with a temporary exception for crude oil delivered by ...