Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. The first topic was the ongoing “Three Brothers – 2021” joint military exercise of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Pakistan. Second topic was the statement by the Turkish Envoy in Sudan, about the diplomatic position of Turkey in the African continent. Third was the concluded deal for the ...

Turkish delegations that make more frequent visits to Arab countries, intense exchange of diplomatic messages between Ankara and Tel Aviv, the hosting of representatives of the United Arab Emirates in Ankara, increasingly positive statements towards the region – all these steps suggest a new beginning in Turkish policies towards the Middle East. In order to better understand the possible contents ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. The first topic was the second sessions of the exploratory talks between the Turkish and the Egyptian Delegations, on 7 – 8 September. Second was the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Felix Tshisekedi’s official visit to the capital Ankara. Third was the recent interview ...

By Elif İlhamoğlu If Guinea is included, the wider Eurasian geography has witnessed profound changes in the recent days, from the Taliban government in Afghanistan over Turkish-Egyptian rapprochement to the coup in the West African country. United World International has spoken with Ret. Lieut. Gen. İsmail Hakkı Pekin about these developments and Turkey’s position. Turkey should play a role concerning ...

The Fener (Istanbul) Patriarch Bartholomew’s visit to Ukraine (20-24 August) has already caused reactions from the Russian Orthodox Church. As I wrote in my previous articles, tensions between Istanbul and Moscow Patriarchates turned into a serious conflict and resulted in the termination of relations between these two significant churches of the Orthodox world because of the situation in Ukraine. In ...

By Cansu Yiğit The footage showing the Afghan immigrants entering Turkey from the Turkish-Iranian border in a disorganized way, the US’ statement that it will accept the Afghans that have served them as immigrants via third-party countries, including Turkey, and the statements coming from EU countries demanding that Afghan immigrants should be stopped in Turkey have brought the disturbance related ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. First topic was the statements made by both opposition and government politicians, regarding the current Afghan refugee crisis. Second was the meeting between the Turkish President Erdogan and the Emirati Security Adviser Tahnoun bin Zayed Al Nahyan, hinting to a possible rapprochement between the two countries ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. First topic was the Pakistani President Arif Alvi’s official visit to Turkey. Second were the severe floods that took place in the Black Sea provinces of Kastamonu, Sinop and Bartın, in the north of Turkey. Third was the remarks made on the Afghan crisis and the ...

While the 20-year occupation of Afghanistan is coming to an end, Taliban, who took over power without any clashes is now in the process of establishing a government. The people of USA are expressing their ‘disappointment’ against what is going on Afghanistan though. The footages from the Kabul Airport when US troops were being withdrawn and the failure in evacuation ...

Last week, the Turkish public agenda has been busy with three main topics. The first topic was Defense Minister Hulusi Akar’s visit to the Pakistani Chief of Army General Qamar Javed Bajwa. The second was the new Olympic record for the Turkish athletes in numbers of medals brought home, surpassing the previous record in 1948. The third was the ongoing ...