By Ali Rıza Taşdelen In France, regional elections will take place within a month, but all the eyes are directed on the presidential elections occurring in one year. Already today it seems pretty decided that President Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Rally will make it to the second and decisive round, where they will compete ...

By Cansu Yiğit The Syrian army has rescued a major part of the country thanks to the great resistance of the Syrian people and their government. Preparing to elect its President on 26th of May, Syria has been dealt the most powerful cards in the international arena since 2011. However, both the economic crisis aggravated by the sanctions and the ...

After eight years in power, Hassan Rouhani is about to hand over the government to the winner of the 13th presidential election on June 18, having not accomplished almost any of the key objectives he declared in 2013 after eight years. Not only did he fail to solve nuclear problems, he has also been unable to lift the oppressive sanctions ...

by Mehmet Kıvanç The election will take place as the Syrian civil war enters the eleventh year of conflict on May 26th. Both in Syria and International power balances are totally different from the 2014 elections. Sarkis Kassarian who has been a war reporter in Damascus and in many other conflict areas sees the possibility of the Arab world recognizing ...

One week after signing the US agreement with the Taliban in Doha, Kabul faced a serious political crisis ahead of the inter-Afghan peace talks. It would seem that the most important political stage has already been passed – after many years of hard fighting, opposing parties have managed to reach a historic agreement which may get the negotiating process underway ...

However, the elections will be held among massive social confusion and ambiguity: the candidates need not only win the loyalty of people, they must also be recognized by the Taliban, the main opposition force in the country. Without question, the coming presidential election will be one of the most important events for the people of Afghanistan. Despite the fact that ...