Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yuva from the University of Damascus, Syria has given an interview published recently in the Turkish channel Ulusal Kanal’s documentary “The Dying Empire” on the global position of the US. United World International presents the text of the interview below. The published interview contains also parts that were not included in the documentary. The PKK as main ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey was busy three main topics. First topic were the reactions from the governments of Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to the UN Security Council’s statement regarding the reopening of the town of Maras (Varosha). Second topic was the debate over potential measures or actions in regulating the refugee waves coming ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. The first has been the surge of a sea mucilage (sea snot) layer all over the Marmara Sea, and the mass panic it caused. The second has been the elimination of the PKK ringleader of Makhmur Camp and the ongoing operations in the Northern Iraq. The ...

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the diplomatic actions in the region, visits to the YPG branches by senior US officials, and Turkish counter-terrorism operations against the PKK… We have discussed the recent events in the region with the former Head of the Intelligence at the Chief of Staff of Turkish Armed Forces, ret. Lieutenant General Ismail Hakkı Pekin. The eyes of the ...

United World International expert Dr. Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the Iranian Tehran Times about claims of the so-called Armenian genocide and the political projects they serve. Below we document the interview, conducted by Mohammad Ali Saki, as printed in the Tehran Times on May 5th, 2021. Subheadings were set by UWI. Tehran – A Turkish historian and political ...

Western countries’ acusstations that China is committing a genocide against Uyghurs and disciminating against Muslims is an imperialist lie. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has created the most sophisticated legal regulation in the world with regard to national minorities and China has the most advanced practices available for dealing with the situation. I have visited the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region many ...

U.S. President Joe Biden has ‘recognized’ the so-called “Armenian genocide”. But is this really an innocent move solely aimed at “commemorating” the saddening 1915 events, as Secretary Anthony Blinken asserted, or a well-thought-out plan with real geo-strategic considerations? The U.S. official statement’s content indicates that we’re facing the latter. Two main “ideas” are emerging from the statement: Obstructing Turkey’s rightful ...

By Fikret Akfırat The US President Joe Biden has articulated the lie of the Armenian genocide. We clearly state that this step means Washington’s declaration of attack against Turkey. The fact that Biden has called Turkish President Erdoğan one day before the declaration, announcing that he will “recognize the genocide” should be read as Washington’s message to Ankara, meaning to ...

Last week, the Turkish public agenda has been busy with three main topics. First was the US President Joseph Biden’s official pronunciation of the so-called Armenian Genocide and the responses from both inside and outside of Turkey. Second was the beginning of a new phase of the operation Pence-Simsek (Claw-Thunderbolt) and operation Pence-Yildirim (Claw-Lightning) in Northern Iraq. Third was the ...

The Turkish public agenda has been busy with four main topics in the last week Firstly, HDP Members of Parliament were ripped of their immunity as requested by state persecutors. Secondly, a currency crisis hit the Turkish Lira, which has suddenly lost value as a part of the ongoing currency crisis since mid 2018. Thirdly, the Blue Homeland 2021 naval ...