By Erkin Feyyaz Eşli “Blue Homeland” (Mavi Vatan) is a key geopolitical concept for Türkiye to secure its strategic interests and maritime sovereignty. One of the key puzzles of implementing this concept in practice is strengthening Ankara’s influence in North Africa, namely in Libya. However, Türkiye is facing strong new competition in the region from the U.S. and the UAE. ...

By Mohammad Ghaderi (Chairman of NOURNEWS) and Pooya Mirzaei (Director General of NOURNEWS English) The signing of a 25-year roadmap for comprehensive strategic cooperation between Iran and China was met with a wave of opposition based on distortions of reality orchestrated by various political currents, both inside and outside Iran. The beginning of the drafting of a document, which Iran ...

In Northern Libya, a battle is unfolding for the city of Sirte, the key center of the so-called oil crescent. From the south, news is arriving about the struggle for El Sharara – the country’s largest oil field. Libyan oil, the export of which was nearly halted entirely in January-February, is once again in the headlines. However, who actually owns Libya’s ...

Coronavirus shock The total number of those infected by coronavirus world-wide rose to over 194,651, with 7,882 dead and 81,102 still recovering. Coronavirus has been detected in almost all European countries: nine EU states have fully sealed their borders to non-nationals ahead of the pandemic. According to fresh information, the European Union will close its external borders for 30 days. ...

What the global economy needs is reasonable oil prices to help achieve higher growth, not an oil price war that may lead to recession. Saudi Arabia has started a war in the oil market on a world wide level. Some people think it is just about market share, but it is about much more than that. As oil revenues decline ...

The International Monetary Fund recently warned that the fortunes of the Gulf countries might disappear within 15 years given the decline in global demand for oil and low prices. This warning, mentioned in a study by the International Corporation on “the future of oil and financial sustainability” is a shock that could drive these countries to accelerate their reforms and ...

Major energy producing countries are using energy exports to increase political influence in consumer countries. Energy exports are one of the most important ways to create interdependence as well as stability and security in the region. Iran ranks second in the world’s gas reserves, but  domestic gas consumption increased sharply in the cold seasons of the year, in addition, at ...

While crude oil exports (Iran’s most important foreign exchange industry) have sharply reduced with no hope of recovery, other resources such as petrochemicals, mines and metals could have been a way out for the Islamic Republic… however, these sectors were also sanctioned in Spring 2019. Iran’s petrochemical and steel sectors have grown rapidly over the past two decades, but that ...

The Libyan oil and gas sector are the main arteries of the country’s economy and one of its only sources of income. However, military forces recently closed most of the major Libyan ports. It seems that Khalifa Haftar and his forces are trying to win concessions from the constitutional government and the international community by stopping Libyan oil exports. The ...

Oil prices increased in the final months of the previous year and after the drone’s attacked the Aramco refinery. However, after Aramco was able to reach its level of production and export capacity before the attack, relative stability returned to the oil market. Subsequently, there was no change in the oil market, given the surplus oil supply in the market ...