Vatan Party Chairman Doğu Perinçek held a press conference on Saturday, June 10, 2023 at the Vatan Party’s Headquarters with the member of the Central Committee and made statements about Sweden’s NATO memhership. In summary, Perinçek stated the following: Summary NATO’s expansion in any direction is an aggravation of the threat to Türkiye. NATO is the source of threats against ...

By Utku Reyhan We are on the verge of another mistake in Türkiye’s foreign policy. As a result of its commitment to NATO, the Turkish government has decided to send additional troops to Kosovo as a reserve force. Just like we sent troops to Libya to overthrow Gaddafi. Or as we dug ourselves into a hole with the PKK/YPG in ...

Sergey Mironov, Chairman of the A Just Russia – For Truth Party and State Duma deputy, is an experienced politician. He undertook critical duties in the state, especially the Presidency of the Federal Council of the Russian Federation (2001-2011), which came after the President and the Prime Minister in the Russian state protocol. I asked Mironov questions about Türkiye-Russia relations, ...

Türkiye’s parliament was scheduled to discuss the law of approving Finland’s NATO membership on Thursday, March 30. The law has already passed the parliament’s commission for foreign relations. At the end of the debate, the parliament will vote on the law and thus approve or reject Finland’s membership. Ahead of the vote, Vatan Party Chairman Doğu Perinçek called the members ...

The Serbian Center for Geostrategic Studies organized an international conference on the sabotage against the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Speakers from the USA, Germany, France, Switzerland, Poland participated in the conference. United World International author Yunus Soner made a presentation, comparing the risks for energy ties across the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea. Based on US documents, Soner emphasized ...

Representatives and Senators in the United States’ Congress want to turn the Black Sea into a prolonged conflict zone. On March 16, a bill called the “Black Sea Security Act of 2023” was introduced to the US Senate. Introduced by the Republican Mitt Romney and the Democrat Jeanne Shaheen, the bill received bipartisan support by cosponsors from both parties. U.S. ...

Belarus is probably the country most openly siding with Russia in the war in Ukraine. As such, Belarus is the subject of much debate and assessments. In recent years, Belarus and the President Alexander Lukasenko have gone through the accusations of authoritarianism, protests which the government claimed to be a ‘Color Revolution’ organized by the West, sanctions and discussions on ...

France is witnnesing widespread protests against NATO in the recent weeks. Behind these are repeated calls to leave the military alliance. The Solidarité and Progres Party has also presented such a call, which has been signed by citizens and several retired members of the armed forces. The call is presented below in English translation. For the original text in French ...

Colombia As a “global partner” of NATO, Colombia enjoys privileged attention from the warmongering alliance. As an expression of this, in recent times, the United States is making great efforts to install a naval base on Gorgona Island in the Colombian Pacific, despite the great rejection of scientists and civil organizations in the region that intend to safeguard a set ...

Below we present the third and final part of our interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder and President of the Schiller Institute. What is your opinion about Ukraine? We know that you have criticized the US’s position on the war in Ukraine. What is your main objection on that? The poor Ukrainian people are being instrumentalized for dual strategic reasons. ...