Hamas’ operation and its repercussions from Türkiye’s standpoint

Independence referendum in north of Iraq, the US and Israel-backed corridor, US organizing the PKK/PYD, US build-up in the Eastern Mediterranean, two possible ways to stop the massacres in Gaza, the resistance of the Palestinians

Retired Rear Admiral Cihat Yaycı spoke at the workshop titled “Will a Great War Break Out?” organized by the Turkish monthly magazine Teori.

In his presentation, Cihat Yaycı drew attention to the threats posed to Türkiye by the process that started with Hamas’ operation on 7 October. Stating that Türkiye is the target of the US and Israel, Yaycı also explained the measures Türkiye should take both in Gaza and on its own borders.

We present a broad summary of Cihat Yaycı’s presentation. Translation from Turkish to English by Uwidata.

The aggressive power in the region: US-Israel

The aggressive power in the region is clear: the US-Israel duo. Regional countries either cannot contend with this power or are under its control.

Independence referendum in north of Iraq

The Peshmerga and the PKK attempted to take Kirkuk from the Turks. The regional administration in the north of Iraq conducted a so-called independence referendum in 2017. However, they couldn’t succeed in Kirkuk or declare independence, mainly due to Türkiye’s influence. What we must emphasize here is that the regional administration in northern Iraq didn’t announce the “cancellation of the referendum” but rather stated that they had “postponed announcing the results of the referendum.” This means that they can declare independence if favorable conditions arise. What do these favorable conditions mean? It means when the US can protect them from Türkiye’s influence. Then, we should note that this looms over Türkiye like a sword hanging over the head.


The US and Israel-backed corridor

The second project related to the first one is the establishment of a US and Israel-backed corridor extending from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean. The reason for inciting the civil war in Syria was this. Don’t think of these as just my interpretations. We have gathered statements of the Israeli prime minister, foreign minister, and defense minister during the time when the war in Syria began. In summary, they are saying: “We will divide Syria through a civil war because it doesn’t act as we desire.”

US organizing the PKK/PYD

The creation of ISIS and its transfer from Iraq to Syria is part of this plan. Under the pretext of “fighting ISIS”, the US organized the PKK in Syria under the name “Syrian Democratic Forces.” The US provided them with thousands of trucks of weapons, tanks, helicopters, and more. Now, the US officials are providing training in air drops, drones, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), helicopters, and jets to these terrorists. These are not simple trainings; they are building a regular army against Türkiye.

Operations of the Turkish Armed Forces

If the American-backed coup attempt by the Fethullah Gülen Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) on July 15, 2016, had succeeded, Türkiye wouldn’t have been able to prevent the puppet state attempt of the US and Israel. In the process heading to the coup attempt, the Turkish Armed Forces were aware of the threat in the north of Syria and Iraq and wanted to intervene, but FETÖ in the military and politics were against it. After the coup attempt, with the purge of FETÖ, the Turkish Armed Forces disrupted the USA-Israel’s plan with the Peace Spring, Olive Branch, and Euphrates Shield operations, and inserted Turkish columns into the corridor.


Firsts in NATO history

The US is extremely uncomfortable with Türkiye’s operations against the terrorists it has built with its own hands. Most recently, the US shot down Türkiye’s UAV and, in an unprecedented and audacious manner, publicly disclosed it. There is no other example of one NATO member shooting down the aircraft of another NATO member. Worth noting that the US neither mentioned any “mistake” or “error” nor apologized; instead, deliberately stated that it did it on purpose. This is an open indicator regarding the threat Türkiye is facing.

The President of the US said, “Türkiye is an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security of the US due to its activities in Syria.” This is also a first in NATO history. When a state presents something as a threat, it is expected that action will be taken to eliminate that threat. So, it is inevitable for the US to act against Türkiye. It is not possible, it is inevitable. Türkiye should wear its helmet tightly.

US’s build-up in the Eastern Mediterranean

And finally, under the pretext of the conflict between Hamas and Israel, the US has deployed 2 aircraft carriers and 7 to 9 cruisers, destroyers, frigates and an unknown number of submarines in the Eastern Mediterranean. Does Hamas have an air force and a naval force in Gaza? No. Then why are so many forces massed in the region? This is the question to be asked. In fact, the US President gave the answer to this question, he said in his national address on 22 October that “they will give a new shape to the Middle East”. The military destructive power that the US has deployed in the region is greater than that of all the countries in the region combined.

And note that US’s aircraft carrier altered its course to approach Türkiye’s Abdülhamid Han drilling vessel. The ship was normally travelling from west to east but moved from west to north, that is it changed its course, stopped near the Türkiye-Greece border, which is in line with the Seville map that aims to confine Türkiye’s sovereignty to the Mediterranean Gulf. It stopped there just across Abdülhamid Han drilling vessel, then departed. That was another clear message to Türkiye.

On October 7th, while the US President and Secretary of State visited many countries in the region, they did not visit Türkiye, the only NATO member in the region, and did not make any phone calls to Turkish officials. This raises questions about the dynamics and intentions in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

If the United States aims to reshape the Middle East, the most significant obstacle in the path is Türkiye.

How can “Israel become a neighbor to Türkiye”?

If Israel can separate territory from southern Lebanon and Syria, they can connect with the PKK/PYD located in the east of Syria along the corridor I mentioned. This would result in Israel becoming a neighbor to Türkiye. Within the territories that Israel refers to as the Promised Land, 22 Turkish provinces are situated.

The Republic of Türkiye, which celebrated its 100th anniversary on October 29, is the most formidable force against the imperialist and Zionist plans of the US and Israel in the region. A century ago, Türkiye, under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, tore up the map imposed on us by the imperialists through the Treaty of Sèvres during our War of Independence. Now, a century later, we face a similar danger, a new Treaty of Sèvres map. Türkiye must be extremely cautious and stand strong in the face of these challenges.

Two possible ways to stop the massacres in Gaza

There seems to be two possible ways to stop the massacres in Gaza.

First: Türkiye could call a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to stop the massacres in Gaza. At this meeting, the oil and gas producing countries could announce that they are suspending all oil and gas exports to the West and suspending all related agreements until the attacks on Gaza stop.

Second: Russia could close the Syrian airspace to Israel. There is a de-escalation protocol between Russia and Israel. Russia could announce the suspension of this protocol until the attacks on Gaza stop.

The resistance of the Palestinians

The most significant obstacle to Israeli expansionism are the Palestinians in Gaza. If the resistance of the Palestinian people is broken, then the floodgates are opened, and trouble comes to Türkiye. The resistance of the Palestinians is of immense importance to Türkiye.