By Erkin Feyyaz Eşli The United States, France, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have jointly started to create a new zone of instability in Southern Libya. And it is certain that this new center of chaos will not only threaten the North Africa, but also the Eastern Mediterranean and even the entire Middle East. They are preparing new areas ...

Turkey and Egypt, two nations on opposing sides of the Eastern Mediterranean, have initiated the first steps towards a normalization process. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavuşoğlu has announced that an official delegation from Ankara will visit Cairo and held diplomatic contacts during the first week of May. The Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry has signaled that his country is ready ...

By Cansu Yiğit No extraordinary activity is expected in Libya during the period of the provisional government that will lead the country to elections on December 24. Both the Libyan actors and involved countries in Libya are mainly preparing after the elections and trying to keep positive relations with the provisional government. The Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF), which was ...

The crisis that the Egyptian-Turkish relations witnessed in recent years was not an exceptional event in the history of diplomatic relations between the two countries, which began in 1925 after the proclamation of the Turkish Republic. Any examination of the course of relations between the two countries clearly reveals that these relations ranged from ebb and flow, prospering only temporarily. ...

The Mediterranean has become a focal point in the international geopolitical and geo-economic scenario. The Mediterranean Sea is central for international trade. The foreign trade of some of the largest economies in the world (from China to the US, as well as Germany, Italy, and France) with the countries of the southern shore of the Mediterranean has been growing steadily ...

By Nardine Ali (Egypt) Egypt, finally, acknowledges Sarraj’s government in Libya In an unprecedented step that has overturned Libya’s political and military situations, Egypt has approached the Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli, sparking approbation and discontent in several capitals around the world. The first Egyptian delegation to be sent to Tripoli in 6 years included the deputy Director ...

Major global trends: COVID-19 The new coronavirus pandemic was the biggest problem for all humankind in 2020. What began as just another virus has become a pandemic on a scale comparable to the deadly Spanish flu a century ago. According to the WHO, 72.4 million people have been infected with the coronavirus. Coronavirus has become a major challenge to public ...

As Western initiatives fail, Beijing remains the most important anchor for stability On November 19, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a press conference that “China hopes that relevant parties in Libya will earnestly implement the ceasefire agreement and resume the political settlement process at an early date. This not only conforms to the fundamental interests of Libya, ...

The Eastern Mediterranean has become one of the frontlines in the ongoing geopolitical polarization. This polarization in the region is not only between Turkey and Greece: the conflict is mainly taking place between the Eurasian and the Atlantic camps. Greece is little more than a pawn of that camp. On the anti-Turkish front, the major powers of the Atlantic camp ...

The Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) started in Tunis on November 9. The main organizer is the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), led by the former US Charge d’Affaires in Libya Stephanie Williams. The task of the forum, according to the UN mission in Libya, is “to generate a unified governance framework and arrangements that will lead to holding ...