Turkey has had a difficult week. A terrorist bomb attack organized by the PKK terrorist organization, took place at the heart of Istanbul, Istiklal Street, killing 6 people and injuring more than 50. Another issue on the agenda was the meeting between Russian and American intelligence officials in Ankara. Third agenda was the President Erdogan’s meeting held in the Indonesian ...

By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein * First the pandemic first and later the war in Ukraine have caused the world to enter into an accelerated dynamic of transformation and reconstruction. The avalanche of events, happenings and conflicts in which positions of different actors are taking place, aims to verify that we are in a moment of extreme mutation of the international ...

G20 The two-day G20 summit ended in Osaka, Japan. Leaders of major powers discussed security, climate, trade, etc. The summit was marked by the United States’ disagreement with other countries on a number of issues. For example, on the Paris climate agreement, on the China trade-war issue (despite the fact that a small “reconciliation” between Beijing and Washington took place ...

A large two-day summit of the world’s leading economies was held in Osaka, Japan. Following the meeting, the participants crafted a joint statement on security, ecology, migration, economics, etc. International politics The leaders touched on the topic of Iran, expressing concern over the ongoing and escalating conflict. In recent weeks the conflict between the United States and Iran has developed ...

Kazakhstan elections The successor of the first president of Kazakhstan, Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev, won the early presidential election with 70.96% of the vote. His lead over the rest of his rivals was big enough to secure the victory but smaller than what Nursultan Nazarbayev had gotten himself. Opposition candidate, journalist and former deputy minister Amirjan Qosanov pulled in 16.23% of the ...

The Finance Ministers of the world’s 20 leading economies came together before the annual G20 summit. The officials discussed global tax policy in the Japanese city Tsukuba before the conference began in Osaka on June 28. During the talks, representatives of the participating countries discussed the problems of artificial intelligence, social networks and the global economy. Statements Japan’s finance minister, ...

Yellow Vests: the Revolution continues Protests in France continued this week. Other countries, including Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands have also joined the revolution. At the same time the demand for yellow vests, the symbol of protests, has begun to grow in other countries. According to a Harris Interactive poll, more than 72% of France supports the movement which started ...