On November 25, the French Senate will discuss a resolution to recognize the statehood of the so-called “Republic of Artsakh” – the separatist Armenian authorities of Nagorno-Karabakh. The resolution was initiated by Senator Bruno Retailleau, Chairman of the opposition faction of the “Republicans” party in the Senate. After Armenia lost the war for Nagorno-Karabakh, this move seems quite extravagant. Yerevan ...
Footage from France is being shown across Turkish TV screens, showing a group of young people raiding the police station in Champigny-sur-Marne, a city near Paris, while blowing up fireworks. The attack lasts for minutes, after which the group of young people disappears into the darkness of the city. Those who know France well, should know that there are dozens ...
Europe: attacks on Islam and terrorsim In the evening of October 16, a terrorist attack took place in France near the college building in a suburb of Paris. 18-year-old Chechen refugee Abdoullakh Anzorov beheaded a teacher of history and geography, Samuel Paty. The murder was motivated by the fact that the teacher decided to show his students – mostly Muslims ...
Political intelligence suggests that the Atlanticists, which has failed to open the doors of West Asia with firepower, is now implementing a new diplomacy-oriented plan. In order to understand the plan with Israel at its center, we need to get a grasp of the process over the last 20 years. DID THE GREATER MIDDLE EAST PROJECT SUCCEED? Just after the ...
French President Emmanuel Macron swore he would help build tensions between Greece and Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean. He is actively arming the Greek army against Turkey, sending air and sea forces to disputed areas and even mobilized an aircraft carrier – the great Charles de Gaulle. But why exactly? Perhaps the French President cannot stand Turkey’s Erdoğan and wants ...
The putschists who conducted a military coup in Mali, where political crises have continued since May, forced President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita to resign, announcing that the elections would be held in the most reasonable time frame possible. The Malian Air Force deputy chief of staff, Ismail Wague, who appeared on the state television ORTM with a group of soldiers, read ...
A hypocritical spectacle The dust from the devastating blast, which caused enormous damage to Beirut and resulted in numerous human casualties had not yet dissipated before French President Emmanuelle Macron landed in the capital of Lebanon. Macron was the first foreign head of state to visit Beirut after a monstrous blast that killed almost 200 people and wounded 5,000. However, ...
BY ALİ RIZA TAŞDELEN “It is unacceptable that people belonging to the Uyghur minority are imprisoned in concentration camps,” Jean Yves Le Drian said at the French National Assembly last Tuesday. Le Drian, the French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, parroted the lies of US imperialism as a member of parliament: “Concentration camps for Uyghurs, custody, disappearances, forced labor, ...
The European Union has been unable to take a position or provide a stable strategy for Libya until now. Recently, Paris kept its role in Operation Sea Guardian quiet but accused Turkey of violating an arms embargo against Libya. France claimed Turkish ships targeted a French warship in the Mediterranean, although a subsequent NATO investigation did not support the allegations ...
On Tuesday 14 July, Emmanuel Macron called for the fight against global warming to be included in the Constitution “as soon as possible”, a request made by the Civil Climate Convention. The head of state said in a television interview on July 14, believing that inclusion in the basic to help transform the country. At the same time, the President ...