“Think Tanks“ are official or private institutions of vital importance in the international policies of imperialist states. Thousands of institutions, from the Hoover Institute to the Smithsonian Institution, from the National Foundation for democracy to the International Relations Department of any university, create ideas to contribute to the state policy of imperialist countries. Perhaps the most vocal of these institutions ...

While the transatlantic alliance gathered in Brussels for the NATO summit, the Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China met in Guilin, China. The Foreign Ministers Sergei Lavrov from the Russian Federation and Wang Yi from the People’s Republic of China held a two-day long meeting covering a wide range of issues. The meeting, described ...

By Tunç Akkoç The “China policy” to be followed by the new US President Joe Biden is a major issue about which many people are most curious. Statements made one after the other in recent weeks were serious clues about the direction Biden will take on this issue. Firstly, US Secretary of State Blinken issued clear statements about China. Considering ...

Tensions are still high in Myanmar following the military taking power on February 1. Led by Commander-in-Chief Ming Aung Hlaing, the military has criticized the elections of November 2020 as fraudulent and arrested the leading members of the National league for Democracy. The detained include State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi, and the military declared a state of emergency that ...

The Trump Administration has declassified a basic document on its policy towards China during its last days on government, on January 5th, 2021. The National Security Council, headed by H.R. McMaster, wrote this document, titled The United States Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific (USSFIP), on February 15th, 2018 as a Memorandum to the US government. The document can be read ...

The Atlantic Council has published a 76-page Cold War roadmap against China. While the US-based institution serves a text anonymously for the first time in its history, the title of the published report refers to the famous text of the Cold War, the ‘Long Telegram’. The Chinese Foreign Affairs described the report targeting the country’s leader as “cowardice”. A telegram ...

For days, there has been a discussion about whether an export train headed towards China will actually arrive at its destination. There is a motivation for all this chatter. The empty noise was further evidence of the fact that ‘the choir of opposition’, also called ‘the Biden crew’ by Mr. Doğu Perinçek, is building opposition to Turkey. Turkey’s increasing exports to ...

Last week, the public agenda was occupied with three main topics in Turkey. The first was the ‘shadow State Department’ CFR’s report called Preventive Priorities Survey 2020, and especially the parts that concerns Turkey over the issues in the Eastern Mediterranean, Syria and Turkey as a member of NATO in general. The second agenda was the 13th ECO Summit which ...

A Man of Many Names When he referred to the collapse of the Soviet Union as, “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century,” – Western pundits labelled him a communist. Mainstream periodicals, like Politico and Newsweek, and anti-Russian propagandists call him a fascist – on account of a “hyper-masculine personality cult” and “high-levels of repression,” among other authoritarian-sounding concepts. To ...

The real winter, with its freezing cold weather, has finally come. Together with the freezing winter, the protests in Belarus have also frozen in place. The protests of those who do not recognize the official results of the August presidential elections still continue, but unlike the mass protests in winter when weekly protests were attended by tens of thousands of ...