Two Greek coast guard boats opened harassment fire on a cargo ship in international waters in the Aegean some 18 kilometers (11 miles) off Türkiye’s southwestern coast of Bozcaada on September 10. Tensions between Ankara and Athens have mounted in recent weeks, sparking international concern. While the two neighbours’ problems in the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean have a long history, ...

By Prof. Dr. Ata Atun * For a long time, Greece has been very concerned about losing its regional importance, not being taken into account and not being treated as a respectable state. The recent rise of Türkiye as a global actor has severely harmed Greek politicians’ morale and future plans, to the point where they have begun to plot ...

Last week, the public agenda in Türkiye discussed the announcements made after the meeting between the President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Sochi; the alleged possibility of a diplomatic meeting between Erdogan and his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad by the Turkish-government affiliated Türkiye Newspaper; and the recent tensions with Greece. Erdogan spoke after the Sochi ...

At present, pessimistic approaches base themselves on the hearsay that “Russia will land in the warm waters” in order to reject Turkish-Russian friendly relations in Syria, Libya and the eastern Mediterranean. In fact, the question of accessing the “warm waters” goes back to Russia’s search for a ‘non-freezing harbor’, which started as early as the 18th century. At that time, ...

The Eastern Mediterranean Basin was included in the new Russian Naval Doctrine approved recently. The area is considered for the first time as a “region that would significantly affect the country’s economic development, national prosperity and security”. And the growing Russian interest in the Eastern Mediterranean creates some important opportunities for Türkiye and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). ...

Russia included Greece in the list of unfriendly countries on 23 July. Russian Ambassador to Greece, Andrei Maslov said: “The entire rich body of bilateral relations accumulated over decades has been nullified in a matter of days.” Historian and political scientist Mehmet Perinçek made evaluations on the issue for United World International. Perinçek expressed his opinion about the attitude Türkiye ...

The upcoming Erdogan-Putin meeting on August 5th will deal with a wide range of issues and areas and is expected to be very inclusive. United World International experts Mehmet Perinçek and Onur Sinan Güzaltan have commented on the upcoming meeting. Pointing out that separate discussions on each individual topic on the agenda are of secondary importance, Dr. Mehmet Perincek commented ...

“Relations with Israel should never exceed the official level and every move made by Israel should be reciprocated. Türkiye should leave the balance policy because this policy brings us to a deadlock. (…) Türkiye must immediately withdraw from NATO’s military wing, if not its political one.” Israel and Russia are at odds over missile strikes in the Syrian theater. Russia, ...

This week, the world’s eyes were on the Tehran Summit. Speaking of the “world” is not an exaggeration, because the summit dealt with issues that war prone to cause not only regional but global effects. And it also presented an according model of cooperation. The reunion between Türkiye, Russia and Iran by itself is an incident capable of changing global ...

By Ata Atun Prof. Dr. (Civ. Eng), Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Int. Rel.), Dean of Cyprus Science University, Politicial Advisor to the President of the State of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus U.S. President Joe Biden remarked while attending the NATO Leaders’ Summit in Madrid, “We need to update the F-16 aircraft while also selling them to Türkiye. Not doing this ...