Last week, the Turkish public agenda has been busy with three main topics. The first was the second phase of the counter-terror Operation Claw-Eagle by the Turkish Armed Forces and the execution of 13 civilians by the PKK terrorist organization. The second topic was the ongoing negotiations and arguments about a resolution, whether the island of Cyprus should be governed ...

Israel says it would only be pleased to have Turkey participate in the upcoming Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum (East-Med Gas Forum). However, Energy Expert Sohbet Karbuz argues that in doing so, Turkey would be “knowingly outmaneuvering itself,” as participation would imply official level interaction with the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus (GCASC). The East-Med Gas Forum was established last ...

Protests in Belarus Post-election protests in Belarus became the focus of international organizations, politicians and the media. Several serious clashes between the demonstrators and the police were reported. On Sunday, a rally of thousands of opponents of the current Belarusian authorities took place in Minsk; the event was not coordinated with the city authorities. Participants of the rally held protest ...

THOSE THAT LIVE IN A FANTASY WORLD What did the President of TRNC Akinci say after 46 years, during his speech on June 25, 2020? “The Greek Cypriots are our brothers.” Yes, it seems we have not learned from our history and repeatedly make the same mistakes. After the disaster referendum for the 2004 Annan Plan, this ghost appeared again ...

The Turkish army began the first phase of the operation on Cyprus this week in 1974, an event that was celebrated both by Turkish Cypriots and mainlanders. 46 years ago today, this event began when, on July 15th, a Greek Nationalist junta government took control of the island with a coup d’etat. What happened on July 20th, 1974? The prelude ...

“Turkey is a local (regional) superpower. It has the second most powerful armed forces after the US in NATO. Its geostrategic significance is immense. Turkey holds the key regarding the issue of refugees… Greek people believe that the Aegean Sea in its entirety is a Greek lake. Therefore, if a Turkish warship goes within 6.5 miles of an island, Greek ...

The Covid-19 pandemic has proven not only to be an earthquake cracking open political fault lines around the world, it has turned out to be nothing short of a revolution, the aftershocks of which will change the world in nearly every aspect. Given the severity of the changes within such a short period of time, it would be fair to ...

There has not been a week in the recent months without reports, statements, decisions or condemnations against Turkey’s Mediterranean policies, from the United States, the EU and the Arab world. A large portion of the work at the Foreign Ministry, especially for the Spokesman, is rushed through the answers to these baseless, untheorized, unreasoned and unfair explanations. Next, in the ...

The marine component of geopolitics is becoming increasingly important for Turkey. This is evidenced by Ankara’s recent actions in the Mediterranean and especially the signing of an agreement on maritime borders with the Libyan Government of National Accord. It is also worth recalling the active hydrocarbon exploration activities off the coast of Cyprus. Turkey is an important player in the ...

Turkish Cypriot Foreign Minister Ozersay: “The US move is against Russia!” The Turkish Cypriot Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Kudret Ozersay striking assessments for Haberturk, regarding the action of the U.S. Congress to lift the arms embargo against the Greek part and to send troops to the Island, “This move is made to reduce the Russian influence in the ...