Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. First topic was the official visit by the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev, and their attendance to the opening of the new airport in Karabakh, on the anniversary of the Karabagh victory. Second was the discussion around the possibility of ...

The public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics last week. The first topic was the official address by the US President Joe Biden to the House of Representatives about the Turkish military actions against the YPG/PKK in Northern Syria, and the reactions from the Turkish politicians. Second was the Iranian diplomatic delegation’s visit to Turkey. Third ...

Last week, the public’s attention in Turkey was divided between three main topics. The first topic was the cancellation of the friendship match between Turkish Galatasaray Football Club and the Greek Olympiacos Football Club due to Greek officials refusing the PCR tests the Turkish players had before the game. The second was the rising popularity of the Hungarian Ambassador in ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with four main topics. First topic on the agenda was the groundbreaking ceremony for the Canal Istanbul attended by President Erdogan. Second topic was the joint military exercise conducted between Azerbaijan and Turkey in the Azerbaijani capital Baku. Third topic were recent statements from the Turkish Defense Minister regarding the ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been bust with three main topics. The first topic was the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Cavusoglu’s visit to Greece, where many issues were discussed with his counterpart. The second was a meeting between a delegation from the US Department of the State and Turkish Presidential Spokesperson Ibrahim Kalin, where bilateral ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey was busy with three main topics. The first was the unofficial diplomatic talks between the Turkish and the Greek Cypriots, with the participation of three observers, Turkey, Greece and the UK, under the mediation of the United Nations. The second was the infographics published by the Turkish Ministry of Justice regarding the truths ...

Last week, the Turkish public agenda has been busy with three main topics. First was the US President Joseph Biden’s official pronunciation of the so-called Armenian Genocide and the responses from both inside and outside of Turkey. Second was the beginning of a new phase of the operation Pence-Simsek (Claw-Thunderbolt) and operation Pence-Yildirim (Claw-Lightning) in Northern Iraq. Third was the ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey was busy with four main topics. First, was the mutual positive messages and signs of cooperation and a potential meeting date given between Turkish and Egyptian top diplomats. Secondly, the Greek government appointed Muslim muftis, causing a crisis, because the appointment is against the Lausanne Treaty. Thirdly, the Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu ...

Last week, the Turkish public has been busy with five main topics. First was the meeting between the EU Council and EU Commission heads, and the Turkish President. Second was the presidential meeting between the leaders of Ukraine and Turkey. Third was the presidential meeting between the leaders of Russia and Turkey. Fourth was the online conference that took place ...

Last week, the Turkish public agenda had four main topics. First was the visit of the Pakistani Army Chief of Staff Nadeem Raza to Turkey. Secondly, passport requirements in travel between Turkey and Azerbaijan were lifted. Thirdly, the Turkish National Football Team in the 2022 World Cup qualification has achieved victories against the national teams of Norway and the Netherlands. ...