By Oscar Rotundo Since Gustavo Petro took office as President of Colombia, it was known that the path ahead would not be harmonious, both within and outside the country. The electoral coalition that carried him to the presidency comprised a political amalgam more focused on defeating Uribeism in all its forms to create a new playing field in which to ...

Colombia As a “global partner” of NATO, Colombia enjoys privileged attention from the warmongering alliance. As an expression of this, in recent times, the United States is making great efforts to install a naval base on Gorgona Island in the Colombian Pacific, despite the great rejection of scientists and civil organizations in the region that intend to safeguard a set ...

The most dramatic evaluation on the Colombian presidential election results of past Sunday came from the Washington Post. Take a read: “For more than two centuries, Colombia was considered a conservative stalwart in Latin America. Even as leftist governments came and went across the region, a center-right political establishment remained in control — a continuity that cemented the country’s role ...

Colombia heads today, May 29 to presidential elections. Gustavo Petro, candidate of the Colombia Humana, heads to polls, but failing to pass the 50% threshold to win the elections in the first round. The second round between the two leading candidates is scheduled for June 19. Ahead of the elections, we spoke with Gloria Flores Schneider, a member of the ...

In the first days of April 2021, the President of Colombia, Iván Duque, announced a new tax reform, which he tried to disguise under the name of the Sustainable Solidarity Law, in an already common act of the national and international right that, making use of the political and historical language of the revolutionary processes at the global level, utilizes ...

Massive protests have been taking place in Colombia. They began as a demonstration against the government’s intent to impose a new neoliberal tax reform. Violence by the state and the ruling party was unleashed indiscriminately in the main cities of the country. Even after Duque withdrew his bill from Congress on May 2, protests continued to grow. What exactly is ...

Unthinkable until recently, Colombia’s Supreme Court of Justice ordered the arrest of former President Alvaro Uribe in early August, on charges of procedural fraud and witness bribery. The powerful former Colombian president would once again face justice, but this time he seems to have no escape. Introduction In 2017, former president Alvaro Uribe denounced Iván Cepeda, then Senator for the ...

(see part 1 – The saga of Colombia: tragedy and rebellion in Latin America, XX-XXI century) The Colombian government’s corrosive stance towards Venezuela is well known. Duque has made his position very clear, maintaining a full diplomatic blockade. He considers Venezuelan President Nicolars Maduro a dictator who violates human rights of his own population in order to maintain power over ...

The history of the United States (US) strategic deployment in Latin America is extensive. Since the so-called Monroe Doctrine (1823, there has been no cessation in Washington’s interference throughout the southern half of the hemisphere in various ways. By the end of World War II, a global liberal order began to form and the world was divided into two poles ...