By Fernando Esteche This week’s coup attempt in Bolivia has shaken not only the country but the entire continent, raising eyebrows even in Eurasia. This is due to the fact that the Bolivian government represents a path to independence, self-determination and industrialization in the so-called US backyard. Very soon after its failure, voices emerged in the country that claimed that ...

By Prof. Dr. Fernando Esteche When the social movements built the political tool MAS-IPSP (Movement towards Socialism – Political Instrument of the Sovereignty of the People), it was clear that political sovereignty fell to a conglomerate of movements or organizations that had their own logic for constructing representation. Without fear of being adventurous, we can say that in Bolivia, like ...

By Ana Laura Dagorret* The Movement Towards Socialism in Bolivia (MAS) is going through its final crisis. The rupture has left two well defined sides: On one side, the current president Luis Arce leads the “renovation” of the party. The other side’s leader is the former president and founder of MAS, Evo Morales, who is in an irreconcilable crusade with ...

By Dr.Fernando Esteche * Having been the South American country that served as a laboratory to carry out a classic coup d’état in the midst of an era neo-coupism (2019), Bolivia exposes the structural weaknesses of its political system and its recurrent exposure to what we call the mockery of democracy. The mockery of democracy is precisely the ability of ...

By Oscar Rotundo * In Bolivia, the fascist partyocracy intends to wear down the government and promote a coup insurrection like in 2018, which led to the 2019 coup. The arrogance with which they usually operated and the contempt for the people, never permitted them to imagine that the people would return to government, dismantling the coup in the streets ...

We continue our attempts to catch Latin American perceptions of the Ukraine crisis and the “global transition to a new order”. The quote actually belongs to Hugo Moldiz. A former Minister of Interior in the Evo Morales’ government, Moldiz is today a member of the Guevarist Movement, Army of National Liberation, an expert on international politics and author from Bolivia. ...

Europe: attacks on Islam and terrorsim In the evening of October 16, a terrorist attack took place in France near the college building in a suburb of Paris. 18-year-old Chechen refugee Abdoullakh Anzorov beheaded a teacher of history and geography, Samuel Paty. The murder was motivated by the fact that the teacher decided to show his students – mostly Muslims ...

Here we present the first contribution in a series of articles that we will publish on common goods, capitalist extraction and dependence in the Global South, with a special focus on Latin America. A few days ago the discussion about Bolivia and the overthrow of Evo Morales circulated in the media once again. Rivers of ink flowed over the link ...

The international media has been abuzz with stories of Evo Morales stepping down as president of Bolivia. Many have suggested that his ouster was the result of a “Coup d’etat”, while different international media has avoided using the term. Agradezco a nombre de mi pueblo las muestras espontáneas de apoyo a nuestro gobierno democrático que fue derrocado por el golpe cívico-político-policial que ...