Iran considers Afghanistan an important strategic neighbor. The tumultuous history of relations between the countries over the last 40 years has proven that internal developments in Afghanistan can have direct impact inside Iran. First of all, Iran hosts more than 3 million Afghan refugees: any major change in Afghanistan’s security situation could lead to a new wave of refugees toward ...

While the 20-year occupation of Afghanistan is coming to an end, Taliban, who took over power without any clashes is now in the process of establishing a government. The people of USA are expressing their ‘disappointment’ against what is going on Afghanistan though. The footages from the Kabul Airport when US troops were being withdrawn and the failure in evacuation ...

The United States has withdrawn from Afghanistan after 20 years of fighting against the Taliban, which have conquered the country and recently also entered the capital city of Kabul. While the current government of Afghanistan has in majority fled the country or gave up its positions, Afghan politicians started discussing the contemporary history and future course of the country. One ...

The 2001 US invasion of Afghanistan was the initial phase of a project which American neocons called the Greater Middle East Project, aimed at partitioning an entire region spanning from West Asia, North Africa and Central Asia. Twenty years later from that day, Taliban militia are entering Kabul on one side, and American diplomats are rushing to evacuate the embassy ...

The United States has started its withdrawal from Afghanistan, which in the last days have taken more a form of fleeing. As the Taliban forces have conquered great parts of the country and arrived at the capital city of Kabul, the US embassy has started burning documents, while President Biden hastily deployed 6.000 troops to ensure the evacuation of US ...

By Orçun Göktürk The US is withdrawing from Afghanistan. American troops were not able to bring neither the “peace” nor the “stability” to the country, as they packed away and fled after the 20 years of occupation. The result are endless military operations, thousands of American casualties, billions of dollars spent, and a nation that became the world’s drug factory. ...

Russia and China are preparing for joint military exercises to take place in Northwest China’s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region from August 9 to 13.  According to Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson for China’s Ministry of National Defense, the theme of this upcoming military exercise is jointly safeguarding regional security and stability, reported the Chinese Global Times. The drill is named ...

Afghanistan is witnessing the withdrawal of US troops and intensified international diplomacy. United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek shared his views on the country with the Iranian newspaper Tehran Times. Below we document the interview as published by Tehran Times on July 28, 2021. “Turkey and Iran are important states in our region,” Mehmet Perincek tells the Tehran Times.  “Turkey-Iran ...

By Cansu Yiğit “Over many, many years, we’ve served together in Afghanistan. We’ve been able to contain, to a certain degree, terrorist dangers, but unfortunately we have not been able to build a nation as we would like it to look” said the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, admitting the defeat in Afghanistan during a meeting with the US President Joe ...

The US military mission in Afghanistan will conclude on 31st of August. “The drawdown is proceeding in a secure and orderly way, prioritizing the safety of our troops as they depart”, President Joe Biden said Thursday at a news conference. In the meantime White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki made a confession, “We’re not going to have a mission accomplished moment ...