Idlib, South Carolina debate, coronavirus


The Syrian army command has announced the closure of airspace over Idlib province, reports the Syrian state agency SANA.

Last Updates on the Idlib: Are Turkey and Russia on the brink of war?

Meanwhile, the Turkish government continues to pursue a policy of “balance” between Washington and Moscow in Syria which it is presenting as “independent foreign policy.”

However, this policy of balance has all but collapsed in Idlib, and Turkey has finally found itself at a geopolitical crossroads.

Idlib: collapse of the politics of balance

The situation in Syria is very dangerous. A full-scale war between Turkey and Syria, and perhaps even between Turkey and Russia, could become a reality. The only winning side in this war would be the US, NATO and the EU. They will be very happy to start a conflict between Russia and Turkey in order to regain control over their long-time ally while dramatically increasing pressure on Russia.

Debate in South Carolina on the eve of Super Tuesday

The Democratic Party’s primary race took place in South Carolina, the last major battleground state ahead of Super Tuesday. On Super Tuesday, several key states will determine the most likely Democratic candidate to run against Trump for the US presidency in 2020.

Super Tuesday: What surprises await Sanders and the Democrats

Joe Biden’s position improved after a string of heavy setbacks. Biden received 35 delegates, and Bernie Sanders 13.

The former Vice-President is still in much worse shape than he was at the beginning of February when he had a broad national advantage. However, it is Tuesday which will truly be decisive.


More than 87,000 people have been reported infected by coronavirus as the outbreak spreads around the world with hot spots in Europe and the Middle East.

Iran announced another 11 deaths, bringing the death toll to 54. The epidemic has been used not only to criticize China, but also as a blow to Iran’s reputation.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo used the deadly coronavirus outbreak in Iran this week as an opportunity to criticize the country’s health care system and make gross accusations against its leadership. These comments were made in total disregard for the central role that the US itself played in damaging Iran’s health care infrastructure by subjecting it to targeted sanctions.

After squeezing Iran’s healthcare system, Washington gloats over coronavirus outbreak