UWI author political scientist Onur Sinan Güzaltan was guest to Russia Today. Güzaltan answered the questions and shared his views on the broadcast about the attack in Moscow. Turkish political scientist Onur Sinan Güzaltan, very well welcome sir, thank you for joining us. We see reports that four of the terrorism suspects were reportedly trained in Türkiye for two months ...

The world is discussing the terrorist attack in Moscow. Who did it and why? Who is behind it? What is the attack’s objective and which consequences can it bear? We asked these questions to experts from one of the countries that has been fighting terrorism for decades: Cihat Yaycı and Hasan Köni from Türkiye. Cihat Yaycı is a retired rear ...

By Fikret Akfırat* For Türkiye, with the Eastern Mediterranean issue and the elimination of the PKK presence in Syria, relations with the USA, Russia, Iran, and China are locked in Idlib. The situation in Idlib is the most significant issue in Syria that the Astana partners are unable to settle. As a result, the Astana process is slowed down. More ...

By Ceyhun Bozkurt Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will visit Sochi, Russia, on September 29th and have a diplomatic meeting with the Russian President Vladimir Putin. The meeting between the two leaders in Sochi, is expected to be one of the most critical encounters in the recent years. It is speculated that the leaders will discuss many different topics. To ...

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will meet in Sochi September 29. Ahead of the summit, United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek spoke to the Azerbaijani news website vzglyad.az. Perinçek evaluated the summits agenda and the two countries’ objectives in Syria and beyond. Below, we document the interview as published by the news website. Vzglyad.az spoke ...

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s visit to the Syrian capital for the first time since 2012 and the regional messages he conveyed continue to be discussed. Yury Borisov, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, was also present in the delegation, marking the first official visit by Lavrov to Damascus after 8 years. The Russian delegation’s visit on September 7 took place ...

On July 14, a joint Turkish-Russian patrol along the M4 highway was hit by an explosion in the Syrian province of Idlib, damaging a Russian APC-82 and a Turkish Kirpi armoured vehicle. The attack took place near Arihalocality in the southern part of the Idlib de-escalation zone. It was later discovered that an improvisedexplosive device was detonated along the convoy’s ...

The Middle East and North Africa are regions of the world where armed conflicts have continued for the past 20 years. The human tragedies associated with the US war on terror, the rise of Islamic extremism and the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were all reflected in mass culture. Moreover, the bloody recent history of the region – the Arab-Israeli ...

The longer Turkey remains tied up in Syria (or rather, in Idlib), according to Rear Admiral in retirement Mustafa Özbey, the more serious problems it will face in the near future.  Presidential elections will be held in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on April 26. The position of Ankara in the Eastern Mediterranean will depend on who wins. “At ...

It has once again been made clear that Idlib is much more than a conflict zone between Turkey and Syria, despite President Erdogan’s historical meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow. It has implications for the future of the region as a whole, and for all neighboring countries. In the highlights and reviews of the 6 hour talks ...