In the books that we have written and prepared for publication so far, we have revealed documents, based on many archives containing the views and testimonies on the Armenian issue from Soviet leaders and Armenian Bolsheviks who formed the center of the socialist movement of the world in the previous century. The correspondence and reports, which were marked as “top ...

The Turkish Parliament commemorated the centennial anniversary of the Moscow Treaty, which was signed with the Soviet Union on March 16, 1921. United World International expert Dr. Mehmet Perinçek has made a presentation in the parliament’s commemoration panel on the history of Turkish-Russian relations. Perinçek answered UWI’s questions after the panel. How would you summarize the history of Turkish-Russian relations? ...

The respected British historian Professor Bernard Lewis once said: “It is very important to know the history in order to see the future. Whatever memory is for the individual, it is the history for a nation. A nation that distorts its history is like a neurotic person, and a nation that does not know its history is like a person ...