On Friday March 28, the Illinois Department of Public Health published data on the novel coronavirus outbreak. African Americans were shown to be the only community hit by disease disproportionately, being affected at several times the rate of other race groups. Black people make up 14.6% of the state’s population, but 28% of the confirmed cases of the coronavirus. Meanwhile, ...
Have you ever seen a virus with a passport? United States (US) President Donald Trump seems like he must have, since he continues to insist on calling the coronavirus the “China virus.” However, according to the World Health Organization’s decision in 2015, outbreaks cannot be associated with a particular ethnic group based on where breakout, which is why Ebola or ...
Recently, the President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro, traveled to the United States to meet with political and economic figures who will in some way demarcate the future of the country. The objective is to sign a military agreement between Brazil and the United States that seeks to strengthen ties between the two countries and join forces, among other things, against ...
At a time when the number of Coronavirus cases has exceeded 500,000 worldwide and when all the countries of the world are needing to cooperate against the pandemic, the United States has announced new sanctions on Iran and Venezuela, while extending sanctions against Cuba. The US, meanwhile, has become the new center of the pandemic and now exceeds China and ...
The New York Times reports that, against the backdrop of the novel coronavirus pandemic in Iran, a number of officials in the Trump administration are insisting on the need to take advantage of the country’s weakening and strike. In the meantime, a systematic policy of pressure on the Iranian authorities to reduce the role of Hashd Shaabi units, as well ...
According to American media, COVID-19 originated from China and “was quickly spread around the world by air travelers who ran high fevers.” In the United States, it was first detected in Chicago, and 47 days later, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic.” “Crimson Contagion” According to some simulations run on the rapidity of the spread, 110 million Americans will ...
China blames the US for creating the coronavirus Chinese authorities recently declared that the creator of the new worldwide epidemic is likely the US. Chinese officials stated that the disease could have been brought to Wuhan in October 2019 by American soldiers while the 7th Military World Games took place in Wuhan. Chinese official pushes the conspiracy theory that the ...
It was a telling moment in American electoral history. Two establishment-friendly candidates in the Democratic primaries, Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg, suddenly drop out of the race before its most crucial moment, Super Tuesday, and endorse the party leadership’s safest choice – Joe Biden. Few probably know exactly why the timing of their withdrawal and unified endorsements seemed so ...
An increasing number of countries are imposing a state of emergency and announcing quarantine measures in connection with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Simultaneously with the Coronavirus epidemic, there are serious changes in the world economy occuring which threaten to bring down the global market. After the coronavirus pandemic, the world will no longer be the same. But what will it ...
More and more dignitaries and journalists around the world are beginning to argue that the source of the new type of coronavirus could have been US Department of Defense biological laboratories. The new coronavirus could have been brought to the Chinese city of Wuhan by the US military. Zhao Lijian, the deputy head of the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s information department, ...